- There is a build error in the supplied code. Correct the bug and ensure the project builds.
- There is a runtime error in the supplied code. Run the project, evaluate the stack error, and correct the bug.
- The supplied CSV should populate a list of classes in the index page. We want you to display the classes on the index page, following these rules and using the supplied bootstrap CSS wherever possible:
Each class should be displayed in a table like the one at the bottom
There should be one table per distinct quarter code, where quarter code is the last 4 characters of ClassID. All classes with that quarter code should go in that table, and put an h2 above each labelling which quarter code it contains.
Order these tables on the page by their quarter code, descending
The classes inside each table should be ordered by CourseID, ascending
Item Number should be the first four characters of ClassID
Credits should display as a decimal in xx.x format. The values that are imported are from a legacy system; you will need to move the decimal point left 1 place on the whole numbers. For example, 50 should display as 5.0.
Convert the Modality supplied to a Modality display string by updating the get function for the DisplayModality property in the model, using this data:
Modality DisplayModality 80 Hybrid 50 Virtual 51 Virtual Hybrid 3C Online [else] Face to Face
The Status field should display the following:
- If SectionStatusID1 is an 'X', show Cancelled, and make the whole row for that class red
- If the number of StudentsEnrolled is greater than or equal to the ClassCapacity, show Closed, and make the whole row for that class yellow
- Otherwise, show Open - [number of seats remaining], and make the whole row for that class green
Item Number | Course ID | Course Title | Credits | Days | Modality | Status |