AquaTouch v3.5.1 Modification. AquaTouch credit : @yuuiko
Original link:
- uninstall existing Aqua touch preset.
- Import AquaTouch v3.5.1 modified and then AquaTouch v3.5.1 extension.
- Added Kakakotalk support
- Added Station support
Note that this support is merely a 'hack'. The apps on station should be arranged in this order, or modify in BTT should you wish to change the order or add new apps on station. Consider this as a 'demo' to what can be done.
- Util tab
Invoked by Option + Control key. Base credit :
Requires ruby gem Istats to function correctly.
- Added IntelliJ support
- Chrome Support (Note : Major modification to Aqua!)
-- Youtube Chrome fix (Via media control tab)
-- Google docs Chrome support
- Added windows tile mangement touch tool (Modifier Option Key)
Modified original one to have even width between all buttons.
Credit : GoldenChaos-BTT: A complete Touch Bar UI replacement preset
Donation and visit update thread remapped to Control Key ^ instead
Added virtual desktop & Window tile management keyboard shortcut. This should completely replace apps like Magnet.
On keyboard shortcut setting page, please set :
- Reduced gaps after ESC key
- ESC now functions both as 'close group tab' and conventional ESC key
- Gaming mode minor bug fix - update preset to 3.5.1 version