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Simple Mailer Example

Winni Neessen edited this page Jan 9, 2025 · 2 revisions

This example is the most simple piece of code that is required to successfully send a mail with go-mail.

Test on

package main

import (


func main() {
	message := mail.NewMsg()
	if err := message.From("[email protected]"); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to set FROM address: %s", err)
	if err := message.To("[email protected]"); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to set TO address: %s", err)
	message.Subject("This is my first test mail with go-mail!")
	message.SetBodyString(mail.TypeTextPlain, "This will be the content of the mail.")

	// Deliver the mails via SMTP
	client, err := mail.NewClient("",
		mail.WithSMTPAuth(mail.SMTPAuthPlain), mail.WithTLSPortPolicy(mail.TLSMandatory),
		mail.WithUsername(os.Getenv("SMTP_USER")), mail.WithPassword(os.Getenv("SMTP_PASS")),
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create new mail delivery client: %s", err)
	if err := client.DialAndSend(message); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to deliver mail: %s", err)
	log.Printf("Test mail successfully delivered.")

This example will send a very basic test mail from [email protected] to [email protected].

First, we create a new Msg using the mail.NewMsg() method. The Msg type holds everything that is required for your mail message. Think of it like a new mail within your mail user agent. The Msg type provides you with all of the methods that are required to prepare and format your mail message accordingly.

We set the sender address with Msg.From(). In this case it's [email protected]. Since go-mail is doing a lot of validation under the hood, it will make sure that the provided mail address is valid. Therefore we check the returned error.

Next, we do the same for the recipient address utilizing the Msg.To() method. The mail will be sent to [email protected].

Now it's time to set our subject for our mail message. We use Msg.Subject() to do so. A mail is not a real mail without a mail body. Using Msg.SetBodyString() we do so. The first argument for Msg.SetBodyString() is a MIME content type. In our example we use mail.TypeTextPlain for the mail body - in other words: so a simple plain/text mail body.

Now that our mail message is prepared for delivery, we can create a Client type. The Client in go-mail handles the connection to a mail server and handles everything related to the connection (i. e. TLS, authentication, etc.).

First we initialize a new Client using NewClient(). This method requires the hostname of mail server we want to connect to, as well as optional functions of type Option. In our example the mail server is The option functions we provide are as following:

  • mail.WithSMTPAuth(): Telling the client we want to perform SMTP authentication. To be more specific we provide mail.SMTPAuthPlain as argument, to indicate that PLAIN is the desired authentication mechanism.
  • mail.WithTLSPortPolicy(): telling the client to use the provided TLSPolicy, The correct port is automatically set. In our case we use mail.TLSMandatory instructing the Client that we require a TLS connection for sending our mail. This means, that if the Client is unable to establish a TLS-secured connection to the server, it will refuse any further processing.
  • mail.WithUsername(): telling the client to use the provided username for the authentication.
  • mail.WithPassword(): telling the client to use the provided password for the authentication.

Finally, we use Client.DialAndSend() to connect to the sending SMTP server and send out our Msg. Client.DialAndSend() will take care of everything- meaning it will establish the connection, make sure that it's TLS secured, authenticate with our username and password, deliver the message and then disconnect again.

Last but not least, we print out a brief message on success or throw an error in case the delivery failed.