Colonizer serves as an asset manager, trading platform and voting tool. The goal is to improve marginal productivity of capital and allow for a community driven governance.
- Each Habitant, within a colony, can broadcast a proposal to alter the current state of the Colony law.
- Upon reaching a consensus of majority, the proposal is either declared settled or archieved.
- Acting against a settled law will deduct the habitants' penalty score.
- Continue here ...
Address (Ropsten Testnet): '0x5dda3ccfb90399e382eed802d6de1b5a7f5f2dc9' Code:
- Metamask (Chrome extension)
- Ganache-cli / Geth
- Truffle
- Solc
- web3js
- Remix
- D3js
- Underscore
- Vue2js
- Vue-router
- Vuex
- Vue js modal
- Light Bootstrap Dashboard
Warren Wan, Estelle Wan and James Kim.