# Lerna_Project IFCA Training using React-TypeScript as Front-End, TypeGraphQL as Back-End and Postgres as Database
- open the Windows Subsystem for Linux, to connect the Redis connection by typing 'sudo service redis-server' start and then check the Redis connection by typing "redis-cli" & "ping"
- open both terminals in VS Code and then run the backend(typegraphql-practice) first by typing the 'yarn start' and then run it by clicking the Enter button, then run the frontend(react-typescript-frontend) by typing the 'yarn dev' and then run it by clicking the enter button
To register the user:
- click the register button
- enter the details
- click the register button to submit it (you will see the backend was operating well and will move to )
- get the token from the backend side. which was: Message sent: [email protected] Preview URL: https://ethereal.email/message/{random url}
- Copy the token and paste it and then click the confirm email button that will proceed to the login page
- Login page enter the details then click the login button but don't forget to open the inspect button inside the website, which will show that the cookie was added.
- Once the system is logged in, it will show the welcome page and a logout button. When you click the logout button, it will delete the cookie inside the inspect section in the browser.
- I tried to get the token from the backend part and put it in the front-end but there is no result shown
- For the backend part I followed the method from the Ben Awad TypeGraphQL tutorial playlist from Setup to Logout
- For the frontend part I used Chakra UI and Nextjs and the methods from Ben Awad's Fullstack React GraphQL TypeScript Tutorial (without using MikroORM)
- I have not included the forgotPassword and changePassword, and I made it optional.
Software Tools:
- React-TypeScript
- TypeGraphQL
- Charkra-UI
- TypeORM
- Postgres