Mosquitto MQTT Broker on Docker Image.
mosquitto v1.4.9
This version implement MQTT over WebSocket. You can use an MQTT JavaScript library to connect, like Paho:
It has the auth plugin
included. It uses (and is compiled with) support for a Redis
and http
backends. The additional config for this plugin (sample auth-plugin.conf
included) can be bind mounted in the extended configuration directory: /etc/mosquitto.d
. Any file with a .conf
extension will be loaded by mosquitto
on startup.
For details on the auth plugin configuration, refer to the author repository. A little quick&dirty example its included at the end.
Use the provide Makefile to build the image.
Alternatively you can start it by means of docker-compose: docker-compose up
. This is useful when testing. It start up redis and link it to mosquitto so you can test the auth-plugin easily.
The Alpine Linux test image released with v1.4.3 is the main Dockerfile now. The one based upon Debian has been dropped.
$ sudo make
You can specify your repository and tag by
$ sudo make REPOSITORY=my_own_repo/mqtt TAG=v1.4.9
Default for REPOSITORY is jllopis/mosquitto (should change this) and for TAG is mosquitto version (1.4.9 now).
Actually the command executed by make is
docker build --no-cache -t jllopis/mosquitto:v1.4.9 .
If you want to use persistence for the container or just use a custom config file you must use VOLUMES from your host or better, data only containers.
The container has three directories that you can use:
/etc/mosquitto to store mosquitto configuration files
/etc/mosquitto.d to store additional configuration files that will be loaded after /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
/var/lib/mosquitto to persist the database
The logger outputs to stderr by default. ) See the following examples for some guidance:
$ sudo docker run -ti \
-v /tmp/mosquitto/etc/mosquitto:/etc/mosquitto \
-v /tmp/mosquitto/etc/mosquitto.d:/etc/mosquitto.d \
-v /tmp/mosquitto/var/lib/mosquitto:/var/lib/mosquitto
-v /tmp/mosquitto/auth-plug.conf:/etc/mosquitto.d/auth-plugin.conf
--name mqtt \
-p 1883:1883 \
-p 9883:9883 \
You must create a container to hold the directories first:
$ sudo docker run -d -v /etc/mosquitto -v /etc/mosquitto.d -v /var/lib/mosquitto --name mqtt_data busybox /bin/true
and then just use VOLUMES_FROM in your container:
$ sudo docker run -ti \
--volumes-from mqtt_data \
--name mqtt \
-p 1883:1883 \
-p 9883:9883 \
The image will save its auth data (if configured) to redis. You can start and link a redis container or use an existing redis instance (remember to configure the plugin).
The included docker-compose.yml
file is a good example of how to do it.
By default, there is an admin
superuser added to auth-plugin.conf
. We will use it as an example.
$ sudo docker run -d \
--name redis_1 \
-p 6379 \
-v ${PWD}/tmp/redis-data:/data
$ sudo docker run -d \
-v ${PWD}/mosquitto/etc/mosquitto:/etc/mosquitto \
-v ${PWD}/mosquitto/etc/mosquitto.d:/etc/mosquitto.d \
-v ${PWD}/mosquitto/var/lib/mosquitto:/var/lib/mosquitto
-v ${PWD}/mosquitto/auth-plug.conf:/etc/mosquitto.d/auth-plugin.conf
--name mqtt \
-p 1883:1883 \
-p 9883:9883 \
--link \
(or whatever user u have configured...)
$ docker run -ti --rm jllopis/mosquitto:v1.4.9 np -p secretpass
$ docker run -it --link redis_1:redis --rm redis sh -c 'exec redis-cli -h "$REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR" -p "$REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT"'> SET admin PBKDF2$sha256$901$5nH8dWZV5NXTI63/$0n3XrdhMxe7PedKZUcPKMd0WHka4408V
$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test
$ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t test -m "sample pub"
And... nothing happens becouse our anonymous
user have no permission on that channel. Check the mosquitto logs:
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: New connection from on port 1883.
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: New client connected from as mosqpub/14736-MacBook-P (c1, k60).
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: Sending CONNACK to mosqpub/14736-MacBook-P (0, 0)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(..., mosqpub/14736-MacBook-P, anonymous, test, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: |-- user anonymous was authenticated in back-end 0 (redis)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: |-- aclcheck(anonymous, test, 2) AUTHORIZED=0 by redis
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: |-- Cached [9B6BD92B391C9366FC67942CE0020635A2E289AD] for (mosqpub/14736-MacBook-P,anonymous,2)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: |-- Cleanup [D45B453EA5A7900B66AD58FC314C28CD515C1572]
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: Denied PUBLISH from mosqpub/14736-MacBook-P (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'test', ... (10 bytes))
mosquitto_1 | 1437183848: Received DISCONNECT from mosqpub/14736-MacBook-P
Cool!! Lets try again:
$ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t test -m "sample pub" -u admin -P secretpass
see the logs:
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: New connection from on port 1883.
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- mosquitto_auth_unpwd_check(admin)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- ** checking backend redis
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- getuser(admin) AUTHENTICATED=1 by redis
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: New client connected from as mosqpub/14767-MacBook-P (c1, k60, u'admin').
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: Sending CONNACK to mosqpub/14767-MacBook-P (0, 0)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(..., mosqpub/14767-MacBook-P, admin, test, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- aclcheck(admin, test, 2) GLOBAL SUPERUSER=Y
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- Cached [CB67C9EA1CEA7676A1B3667076C142A05E1A6C94] for (mosqpub/14767-MacBook-P,admin,2)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: Received PUBLISH from mosqpub/14767-MacBook-P (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'test', ... (10 bytes))
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(..., mosqsub/14237-MacBook-P, anonymous, test, MOSQ_ACL_READ)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- user anonymous was authenticated in back-end 0 (redis)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- aclcheck(anonymous, test, 1) AUTHORIZED=0 by redis
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: |-- Cached [6E2BE05D56B509A1912C1A6921B4AEFE80A498CA] for (mosqsub/14237-MacBook-P,anonymous,1)
mosquitto_1 | 1437183987: Received DISCONNECT from mosqpub/14767-MacBook-P
Much better... But, did you get any output in the mosquitto_sub
? None. Try this and replay:
$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test -u admin -P secretpass
And now everything should work! ;)
- See contributors page for a list of contributors.