Research project for calculating off-trail isochrones
Exemples of use cases :
- ⛑️ Helping rescuers estimating the possible positions of an injured person in the nature
- 👮 Helping police locating fugitives
- 🔥 Helping firefighters estimating the propagation of the fire in a forest
- 🌊 Helping engineers sizing hydraulic structures by estimating flood propagation
- ⛰️ Helping hikers finding their way in the mountain
- 💣 Helping the army finding its way in their intervention missions given dynamic events (e.g. collapse of a bridge, presence of terrorists, etc.)
- ... and many more !
Note : this solution is made to be executable locally, i.e. without any internet connection
The solution is compatible with cartographic datasets obtained from GeoServices Open API:
- Altitude datasets can be found as .asc files (raster):
- Field datasets can be found as .shp files (vectorial):
Open a terminal, download the repository :
git clone
Go into the directory :
cd WazeTT/
Create a Python virtual environment :
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment :
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the project dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
The project can be configured through the project_config.toml file
The source code is accessible through the /src folder
The different notebooks give a general overview of the solution
- Importing altitudes as a 2D table