Bug fixes
... Now the 'POWER' button turns off the power supply without leaving the screensaver mode.
... Buttons 'SHIFT', 'MEM, 'I-SET', 'V-SET' will not be blocked in the screensaver mode. -
Menu "--- Battery Charger ---" ("--- Заряд АКБ ---")
- New option "AutoSelectMEMn" ("Автовыбор MEMn");
Automatically sets the specified memory cell when connecting the battery,
and restores the previous settings when the battery is disconnected (if nothing was changed).
- New option "AutoSelectMEMn" ("Автовыбор MEMn");
Menu Settings: "--- Units ---" ("--- Единицы ---")
- New option "Voltage" ("Напряжение") [V/mV]; If the voltage is less than 1V, then it will be displayed in mV.
Note: If the voltage is less than 990mV (plus some delay), then switches to display in mV,
if the voltage >= 1V, then switches to display in V. - New option "Current" ("Ток") [A/mA]; If the current is less than 1A, then it will be displayed in mA.
Note: If the current is less than 990mA (plus some delay), then switches to display in mA,
if current >= 1A, then switches to display in A.
Perhaps in the future it will be necessary to adjust the delay and frames for hysteresis.
- New option "Voltage" ("Напряжение") [V/mV]; If the voltage is less than 1V, then it will be displayed in mV.
Menu Settings: "--- Date and Time ---" ("--- Дата и время ---")
- New option "RTC Calibration" ("Калибровка RTC") [0..127]; To calibrate the clock (RTC).
Note: Read how it works in AN2604 on the website st.com (there is also a table in the document).
see in attach
- New option "RTC Calibration" ("Калибровка RTC") [0..127]; To calibrate the clock (RTC).
Menu Home: "--- Layout 1 ---" ("--- Дизайн 1 ---")
- New option "Show TIMER" ("Отобр. TIMER"); Enables timer display when the output is turned on.