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Winston Howard edited this page May 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

Study Abroad App

Welcome to the sd-project-study-abroad-app wiki! This wiki is intended to aid in the future development and eventual release of the UW Abroad App and other related assets as part of the Study Abroad Project (SAP).

Mobile Front-End

The mobile front-end is divided into two sections, Incoming and Outgoing. There is a simple home page that loads an XML with some predefined information, and has two buttons to direct the user to the incoming section or the outgoing section. See more about the incoming section here and the outgoing section here.

Azure Back-End

The back-end is hosted through Microsoft's Azure using Azure Web Apps, AzureSQL, Azure Active Directory, and Azure Application Insights. For more on deploying the Azure Backend see the Backend Deployment Page for information on the Admin Portal as well as using the Active Directory manifest file see Admin Portal.

The Future of the App

While we may be graduating from University and moving on from SAP there are more changes that could be completed at a later date by anyone who picks this up. Those changes can be found here.