This repository contains a lightning-fast Python 3 module and a series of bash scripts that are designed to make it easy for anyone to work with the daily outputs of the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS).
- Idempotently download daily sets of EPSS scores1 in JSON, JSONL, CSV, or Apache Parquet2 format
- Explore EPSS scores using Polars, a lightning-fast dataframe library written in Rust
- Optionally drop unchanged scores3
- Optionally disable TLS certificate validation when downloading scores (i.e. to support environments where TLS MitM is being performed)
- Easily switch between different versions4 of the EPSS model
1. By default, EPSS scores will be downloaded from 2023-03-07 onward, as this is the date when the outputs of EPSS v3 (v2023.03.01) were first published.
2. Apache Parquet is the default file format.
3. The Cyentia Institute publishes sets of EPSS scores partitioned by date on a daily basis in GZIP compressed CSV format.
4. EPSS has undergone 3 major revisions: EPSS v1, EPSS v2 (v2022.01.01), and EPSS v3 (v2023.03.01) where the first, second, and third revisions all contain major improvements.
The Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) is a probabilistic model that is designed to predict the likelihood of a given computer security vulnerability being exploited somewhere in the wild within the next 30 days.
The first version of the EPSS model was released in 2021, and it has since undergone two major revisions.
The first version of the EPSS model used logistic regression, but subsequent models have used gradient-boosted decision trees (XGBoost) to make predictions.
For additional information on EPSS and its applications, please consult the following resources:
- Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS)
- Enhancing Vulnerability Prioritization: Data-Driven Exploit Predictions with Community-Driven Insights
Additional resources:
- Daily analysis of EPSS scores
- The Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) Explained
- F5 Labs Joins the Exploit Prediction Scoring System as a Data Partner
This package is not currently available on PyPi, but can be easily added to your project in one of two ways:
- Using
poetry add git+
By branch:
poetry add git+
By tag:
poetry add git+
- Using
By tag:
By branch:
1. Using Poetry for dependency management and adding this project as a dependency of your project without explicitly specifying a branch or tag is recommended.
To list1 all scores published since 2024 without dropping unchanged scores2:
poetry run epss scores -a 2024-01-01 --no-drop-unchanged | head
shape: (7_992_196, 4)
│ cve ┆ epss ┆ percentile ┆ date │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ date │
│ CVE-2019-2725 ┆ 0.97572 ┆ 1.0 ┆ 2024-01-01 │
│ CVE-2019-1653 ┆ 0.97567 ┆ 1.0 ┆ 2024-01-01 │
│ CVE-2015-7297 ┆ 0.97564 ┆ 0.99999 ┆ 2024-01-01 │
│ CVE-2014-6271 ┆ 0.97564 ┆ 0.99999 ┆ 2024-01-01
poetry run epss scores -a 2024-01-01 --drop-unchanged | head
shape: (33_592, 4)
│ cve ┆ epss ┆ percentile ┆ date │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ date │
│ CVE-2019-1653 ┆ 0.97555 ┆ 0.99998 ┆ 2024-01-03 │
│ CVE-2020-14750 ┆ 0.97544 ┆ 0.99995 ┆ 2024-01-03 │
│ CVE-2013-2423 ┆ 0.97512 ┆ 0.99983 ┆ 2024-01-03 │
│ CVE-2019-19781 ┆ 0.97485 ┆ 0.99967 ┆ 2024-01-03 │
The --output-format
argument can be used to change the output format.
For example, to list scores in CSV format:
poetry run epss scores -a 2024-01-01 --drop-unchanged --output-format=csv | head
To save the output to a CSV file, you could use shell redirection, or the --output-file
poetry run epss scores -a 2024-01-01 --drop-unchanged --output-format=csv --output-file 2024-01-01.csv
du -sh 2024-01-01.csv
1.3M 2024-01-01.csv
Or, in JSONL format:
poetry run epss scores -a 2024-01-01 --drop-unchanged --output-format=jsonl | head | jq -c
From here, it's easy to see when specific vulnerabilities experienced an increase or decrease in their perceived exploitability:
poetry run epss scores --drop-unchanged --output-format=jsonl |
grep "CVE-2016-0060" | jq -c
1. When querying historical sets of EPSS scores, any scores that have not already been downloaded will be downloaded automatically to a configurable working directory3. You do not have to explicitly download EPSS scores before querying them.
2. Unchanged scores are dropped by default - this behaviour can be toggled using the --drop-unchanged/--no-drop-unchanged
3. If a working directory is not explicitly provided, scores will be written to a folder named 476c9b0d-79c6-4b7e-a31a-e18cec3d6444/epss/scores-by-date
within the system's temporary directory (e.g. /var/folders/ps/c0fn47n54sg08wck9_x9qncr0000gp/T/476c9b0d-79c6-4b7e-a31a-e18cec3d6444/epss/scores-by-date/
To download scores published between two dates without writing to the console, simply add the --download
poetry run epss scores -a 2024-01-01 --download
1. Unchanged scores will still be saved to disk regardless of the value of the --drop-unchanged/--no-drop-unchanged
Additional examples are available in the examples folder.
To load EPSS scores into Polars:
from epss.client import PolarsClient
import polars as pl
import tempfile
import os
cfg = pl.Config()
cfg.set_tbl_rows(-1) # Unlimited output length
WORKDIR = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'epss')
client = PolarsClient(
df = client.get_scores(workdir=WORKDIR, drop_unchanged_scores=True)
To generate a spreadsheet containing the EPSS scores of all CVEs known to be exploitable using FireEye's leaked red team tools:
from xlsxwriter import Workbook
from epss.client import PolarsClient, Query
import tempfile
import os
WORKDIR = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'epss')
client = PolarsClient(
query = Query(
df = client.get_scores(
with Workbook('epss.xlsx') as wb:
worksheet='FireEye red team tools'