Protobuf version 3 is used to work with the backend:
Messages are sent in binary form and do not contain message structures.
This library was created for simple convenient work with the protocol.
It consists of 2 parts:
- generator - converts
files into TS code - query library - uses the result of the generator to send and receive requests
Features | Protobufjs | pbf | Current lib | |
Official client | + | - | - | - |
Simple install | - (binary) | + (full js) | + (full js) | + (full js) |
Data as simple object | - | + | + | + |
Compile simples proto with imports | + | + | - | + |
GRPC client | + | - (poor wrapper) | - (none) | + |
Small client size (kb gzip) | - (50 binary + http) | + (6.8 binary) | + (3.3 binary ) | + (3.3 binary + 3.0 HTTP) |
Tree Shaking (lib + generated code) | - | - | - | + |
Dev tools (JSON) | + | - | - | + |
Dev tools (binary) | - | - | - | + |
Auto wrap StringValue |
- | - | - | + |
Auto wrap oneof |
- (manual) | - (manual) | - (none) | + |
Auto wrap masks |
- | - | - | + |
npm i @whisklabs/grpc
Before using the library, you need to convert the proto files to the required format.
The conversion can be done programmatically.
import { generator } from '@whisklabs/grpc/generator';
const error = await generator({
dir: 'source/folder', // path to root of proto folder
out: 'result/folder', // output path for generated result
version: 'â„–123', // optional string for version
exclude: /some|regexp/, // optional regexp for exclude files
debug: true, // generate json debug files,
messageRequired: false, // enable strict required mode for messages (default: false)
// If we need package.json, set options packageName and packageVersion
packageName: '@whisklabs/package-one', // generate package.json with name
packageVersion: '0.1.10', // generate package.json with version
packageUrl: '[email protected]:whisklabs/npm.git', // set package url
packageRegistry: '', // set package registry
console.log(error); // true | false
The conversion can be done via the command line.
PROTO_DIR=source/folder PROTO_OUT=result/folder grpc-generator
export PROTO_DIR=source/folder
export PROTO_OUT=result/folder
npx @whisklabs/grpc
Required ENV params:
- path to root of proto folderPROTO_OUT
- output path for generated resultPROTO_VERSION
- string of version (default is from npm package lib)PROTO_EXCLUDE
- optional regexp for exclude filesPROTO_DEBUG
- true | false - generate json debug filesPROTO_MESSAGE_REQUIRED
- true | false - enable strict required mode for messages (default: false)
If we need package.json, set up both options:
- generate package.json with namePROTO_PACKAGE_VERSION
- generate package.json with versionPROTO_PACKAGE_URL
- set package registry
Return JSON structure of .proto
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { parser } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
const parsed = parser(readFileSync('some.proto', 'utf8'));
For custom options add in start of file or in 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto'
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
bool required = 1001; // uniq number more 1000
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
bool message_required = 1001; // uniq number more 1000
extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
bool messages_required = 1001; // uniq number more 1000
For optional
keyword use ptotoc 3.15+
The query library is a factory of endpoints, for simultaneous work with different API servers.
// Importing library
import { grpcHTTP, StatusCode } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
// Server gRPC instance
export const grpc = grpcHTTP({
// URL to API server [Required]
server: '',
// Use or not credentials [default = true]
credentials: true,
// Send binary data of request/response to grpc-web devtools [default = false]
debug: false,
// Send JSON data of request/response to grpc-web devtools [default = false]
devtool: false,
// Instance of any console. Work with combine debug or devtool [default = undefined]
logger: console,
// Setup global timeout in number milliseconds [default = undefined]
timeout: undefined,
// Proxy xhr before request
transformRequest: ({ xhr, data, meta }) => {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'ANY_TOKEN');
// Or example with modify data before send
transformRequest: async ({ data }) => {
if (isObject(data)) {
(data as any).token = await SomeAction();
return data;
return {, x: 1 };
// Proxy result after request
transformResponse: ({ xhr, data, meta }) => {
if (!data.success) {
// Passthrough without changes
return data;
// Proxy result after request (async example)
transformResponse: async ({ data }) => {
// We can globaly check errors
if (!data.success) {
// Notify
alert(`v1.Grpc.Event.GRPCError ${data.error.message}`);
// Prevent
if (data.error.httpStatus === 403) {
const reason = await forbidden();
return { success: false, error: { message: reason } };
// Redirect
if (data.error.grpcCode === StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED) {
// Passthrough without changes
return data;
After configuring gRPC instance and generating code from proto files, we can make requests to the server.
// Importing generated code from proto files
import { whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe } from './proto';
// Importing gRPC instance
import { grpc } from './grpc';
// You not need use catch for more flatten code without try {}
const user = await grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe);
console.log(user.success &&;
console.log(!user.success && user.error.message);
if (user.success) {
// If success we have typed data
// You don't need do any extra check
} else {
// If error we have same structure with optional fields
user.error.message, // string?, // unknown? | Object - lib tries do safe JSON.parse
user.error.grpcCode, // number?
user.error.httpStatus // number?
// Destruction example for flatten style
const { data: me, error } = await grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe);
if (me) {
if (error) {
It can be of two types:
- manual
- automatic
Example of manually canceling a request.
// Importing
import { grpcCancel } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
// Cancel controller
const cancel = grpcCancel();
document.body.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('gRPC canceled');
// Method call
const result = await grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe, { cancel });
if (result.success) {
Example of automatic request cancellation.
Tokens (strings) are used to identify requests. They operate within a single gRPC instance (independently of each other) and depend only on their name and nothing more.
This is more convenient than the manual version, because occurs in fully automatic mode.
// Start 1 request
grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe, { cancel: `some-token` });
// Stopped 1 request, because cancel ID already in progress,
// and after this start 2 request
grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe, { cancel: `some-token` });
// Start 3 request and NOT stopped 2 request,
// because it's another cancel ID
grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe, { cancel: `some-token-${123}` });
Because in grpc there are no null values for collection of fields it is necessary to list all reset variables in the form of an array of lines with ways for these fields.
import { whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_UpdateSettings } from './proto';
import { mask, maskWrap } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
// Manual example - the most reliable, because we do not have a single standard for masks
const settings = { personalDetails: { age: 1 } };
const mask = mask(settings);
await grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_UpdateSettings, { settings, mask });
// Wrapper (some projects)
await grpc(
maskWrap({ settings: { personalDetails: { age: 1 } } }, 'settings')
// maskWrap({ settings: { personalDetails: { age: 1 } } }, 'settings', 'otherName')
// Built-in wrapper (some projects)
await grpc(
{ settings: { personalDetails: { age: 1 } } },
{ mask: { field: 'settings'}
// or with custom mask name
// { mask: { field: 'settings', outField: 'otherName' }
// Semi-automatic wrapper for current object (some projects)
await grpc(
{ settings: { personalDetails: { age: 1 } } },
{ mask: true }
// Automatic wrapper (waiting for the standard). Future - not implemented yet!
await grpc(
{ settings: { personalDetails: { age: 1 } } }
interface Meta {
token: string;
const grpc = grpcHTTP<Meta>(...);
const result = await grpc(
whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_UpdateSettings, // gRPC method
{ ... }, // gRPC params
{ // Query options
mask: { field: 'settings'}, // { field: string, outField?: string } | boolean - mask
cancel: `some-token-${123}`, // string | grpcCancel - cancel request
onDownload: e => console.log(e.loaded /, // download progress with ProgressEvent
onUpload: e => console.log(e.loaded /, // upload progress with ProgressEvent
timeout: 2000, // number - timeout for this request with cancel request at the end
meta: { // Meta - data for transformRequest and transformResponse methods
token: 'CODE',
This library is compatible with gRPC-Web Developer Tools.
Chrome & Firefox Browser extension to aid gRPC-Web development
// Send binary data of request/response to grpc-web devtools [default = false]
debug: true,
// Send JSON data of request/response to grpc-web devtools [default = false]
devtool: true,
import { ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
import { whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_UpdateSettings } from './proto';
// Manual types
type request = ServiceRequest<whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_UpdateSettings>;
type response = ServiceResponse<whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_UpdateSettings>;
You can switch request and response to DeepReadonly
import { GRPCDeep, grpcHTTP } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
const grpc = grpcHTTP({ ... }) as GRPCDeep;
Also there are helper types same as base types.
import { FieldGetDeep, ServiceRequestDeep, ServiceResponseDeep } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
import { Default } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
import { whisk_api_user_v2_TestItem } from './proto';
const res = Default(whisk_api_user_v2_TestItem);
// res return new default object with required fields
// {
// id: '',
// array: [],
// date: { day: 0, month: 0, year: 0 },
// mapSearch: {},
// name: '',
// searches: [],
// };
import { unwrap } from '@whisklabs/grpc';
const userEmail = await unwrap(
grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_UpdateSettings, { id: 'abc' }),
data => data.user?.email,
e => {
return 1000;
const user = await grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe);
const item = await unwrap(
async success => {
/* ... */
async error => {
/* ... */
// throw as usual promise
const err = e => {
throw e;
try {
const request = grpc(whisk_api_user_v2_UserAPI_GetMe);
const email = await unwrap(request, data => data.user?.email, err);
} catch (e) {
This lib convert proto to TS, turning a dependency tree into a flat list for tree shaking.
To ensure non-intersection, absolute paths become part of the interface name separated by "_".
All primitives are required fields
Message | TypeScript | Convert fn |
double | number | parseFloat |
float | number | parseFloat |
int32 | number | parseInt |
int64 | number | parseInt |
uint32 | number | parseInt |
uint64 | number | parseInt |
sint32 | number | parseInt |
sint64 | number | parseInt |
fixed32 | number | parseInt |
fixed64 | number | parseInt |
sfixed32 | number | parseInt |
sfixed64 | number | parseInt |
bool | boolean | === true |
string | string | String |
bytes | Uint8Array | - |
Wrappers are special messages for indicate optional primitive.
This messages auto wrap/unwrap by this lib.
Message | Alias | Real code | TypeScript |
google.protobuf.DoubleValue | double | { value: number } | number? |
google.protobuf.FloatValue | float | { value: number } | number? |
google.protobuf.Int64Value | int64 | { value: number } | number? |
google.protobuf.UInt64Value | uint64 | { value: number } | number? |
google.protobuf.Int32Value | int32 | { value: number } | number? |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value | uint32 | { value: number } | number? |
google.protobuf.BoolValue | bool | { value: boolean } | boolean? |
google.protobuf.StringValue | string | { value: string } | string? |
google.protobuf.BytesValue | bytes | { value: Uint8Array } | Uint8Array? |
Messages are same as interface in TS
message TestItem {
string id = 1;
google.protobuf.StringValue description = 2;
InnerItem item = 10
repeated bool array = 11;
map<string, OtherItem> map_search = 12;
message InnerItem {
int32 id = 1;
message OtherItem {
float count = 1;
type TestItem = {
id: string;
description?: string;
item?: TestItem_InnerItem;
array: boolean[];
mapSearch: Record<string, OtherItem>;
type TestItem_InnerItem = {
id: number;
type OtherItem = {
count: number;
As TS enum.
fields name with ending _INVALID
removed from typings.
message TestItem {
Type id = 1;
Type force = 2 [ required = true ];
Direction dir = 3;
enum Type {
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // removed
WIDTH = 2;
enum Direction {
UP = 0; // Not used in our proto, but can be in third party proto
DOWN = 1;
type TestItem = {
id?: Type;
forced: Type;
dir?: Direction;
const enum Type {
WIDTH = 2,
const enum Direction {
UP = 0,
DOWN = 1,
This is information about server methods, what types of messages are used for request and response.
message Request {
int32 id = 1;
message Response {
string name = 1;
service UserAPI {
rpc GetMe(Request) returns (Response) {
// can be some options
type Request = {
id: number;
type Response = {
name: string;
export type UserAPI_GetMe = Service<Field<Request>, Field<Response>>;
// get back
type request = ServiceRequest<UserAPI_GetMe>;
type response = ServiceResponse<UserAPI_GetMe>;
This is a grouping of fields where only one of them can be set or read.
// file path: whisk/api/user/v2/user.proto
message TestOneof {
string id = 1;
oneof device {
EthicalPreference device_type = 11;
string custom_device = 12;
export type whisk_api_user_v2_TestOneof = {
id: string;
| { oneof: 'deviceType'; value: whisk_api_user_v2_EthicalPreference }
| { oneof: 'customDevice'; value: string };
There are two helpers for work with oneof: oneof
and oneis
const data: whisk_api_user_v2_TestOneof = {
id: '123',
device: {
oneof: 'customDevice',
value: 'abc',
// any value
const any = oneof(data.device);
// or
const val = data.device?.value;
// oneis example
if (oneis(data.device, 'customDevice')) {
// If example
if (data.device?.oneof === 'customDevice') {
// Limit value variants
const a = oneof(data.device, 'customDevice') ?? oneof(data.device, 'deviceType');
// Function transform
const out = oneof(data.device, 'customDevice', v => `${v}a`) ?? oneof(data.device, 'deviceType', v => v * 3);
// Switch example
let res: string | number | undefined;
switch (data.device?.oneof) {
case 'customDevice':
res = `${data.device.value}a`;
case 'deviceType':
res = data.device.value * 3;
By default all primitives
, repeated
and map
are required.
Other types are optional.
You can change this behaveour using option required
or keyword optional
message TestOneof {
string id = 1;
string name = 2 [ required = true ];
string item = 3 [ required = false ];
google.protobuf.StringValue description = 10;
google.protobuf.StringValue test = 11 [ required = true ];
google.protobuf.StringValue result = 12 [ required = false ];
optional string story = 13;
whisk.api.shared.v1.Time time = 30;
whisk.api.shared.v1.Date date = 31 [ required = true ];
whisk.api.shared.v1.Date date_new = 32 [ (required) = true ]; // ptotoc compatable
export type whisk_api_user_v2_TestOneof = {
id: string;
name: string;
item?: string;
description?: string;
test: string;
result?: string;
story?: string;
time?: whisk_api_shared_v1_Time;
date: whisk_api_shared_v1_Date;
dateNew: whisk_api_shared_v1_Date;
You can switch on strict required mode for messages with optional
- All fields are required by default, expect
. - To mark a field as optional, you can add the keyword
. - Although this keyword has no effect on binary compatibility and can be added or removed, clients need to be updated so that they understand how to handle values correctly.
- For backward compatibility, wrappers can be used because they are not binary compatible with
. - If you cannot change the structure in any way, but you need to force the override, then in such a case it is permissible to use
[(required) = true]
or[(required) = false]
Work on all files in final
PROTO_MESSAGE_REQUIRED=true npx @whisklabs/grpc@1
import { generator } from '@whisklabs/grpc/generator'; const error = await generator({ messageRequired: true, // enable strict required mode for messages (default: false) });
Local per file
Add option in start of proto file
syntax = "proto3"; package whisk.api.user.v2; // Force required mode for messages in file option (messages_required) = true; // false for disable message Test {}
Local per message
message Day { int32 num = 1; } message Week { // Force required mode in message option (message_required) = true; // false for disable int32 num = 1; Day day = 2; }
message Test {
// Primitive
string id = 1; // required
optional string text = 2; // optional
// Messages
Week current_week = 11; // required
optional Week next_week = 12; // optional
whisk.api.shared.v1.Time time = 13; // required
optional whisk.api.shared.v1.Time time_after = 14; // optional
// Wrappers (legacy)
google.protobuf.StringValue description = 21; // optional
// Force override (backward binary compatibility only)
string item = 31 [ (required) = false ]; // optional
google.protobuf.StringValue test = 32 [ (required) = true ]; // required
// Repeated - can't work with optional!
repeated bool array = 41; // required
repeated bool array_2 = 42 [ (required) = false ]; // optional
// Map - can't work with optional!
map<string, bool> map_search = 51; // required
map<string, bool> map_search_2 = 52 [ (required) = false ]; // optional
// Oneof - can't work with optional!
oneof device_description {
DeviceType device_type = 61; // required
DeviceType custom_device = 62 [ (required) = false ]; // optional
message Week {
int32 num = 1;
type Test = {
id: string;
text?: string;
currentWeek: Week;
nextWeek?: Week;
time: whisk_api_shared_v1_Time;
timeAfter?: whisk_api_shared_v1_Time;
description: string;
item?: string;
test: string;
array: boolean[];
array_2?: boolean[];
mapSearch: Record<string, boolean>;
mapSearch_2?: Record<string, boolean>;
| { oneof: 'deviceType'; value: Device_DeviceType }
| { oneof: 'customDevice'; value?: Device_DeviceType };
For obsolete fields, you can mark them as deprecated
message TestOneof {
string id = 1 [ deprecated = true ];
google.protobuf.StringValue description = 10 [ required = true, deprecated = true ];
export type whisk_api_user_v2_TestOneof = {
/** @deprecated true */
id: string;
/** @deprecated true */
description: string;
If field is required, bit not present in message, it is installed by table:
Message | Default |
double | 0 |
float | 0 |
int32 | 0 |
int64 | 0 |
uint32 | 0 |
uint64 | 0 |
sint32 | 0 |
sint64 | 0 |
fixed32 | 0 |
fixed64 | 0 |
sfixed32 | 0 |
sfixed64 | 0 |
enum | 0 |
bool | false |
string | '' |
bytes | Uint8Array |