- Wendy Munyasi
This ia a website that specifically deals with the ordering of pizza.
1.Landing Page
Descriptions: "We have a photo of the restaurant on the landing page."
2.About Us
"There's a short description of the restaurant when scrolling down from the landing page."
3.Our Pizzas
"Hover on the images on this section to reveal the name. What is contained in the pizza is written in the menu section.
"This is a section that has the types of pizzas we sell and their descriptions are given below the name.
5.Contact Us Section
INPUT: "Fill all forms and Submit" OUTPUT: "Thanks for being our client,your message has been received"
- Open terminal (CTRL ALT T)
- git clone https://wendymunyasi.github.io/Pizzerium-IP3.git
- cd delani-studio
- use atom . or code . to open the clone repo on Atom or VS-code respectively
My website is not quite responsive.
- CSS3
- GIT (for version control)
- My contacts:+254707240068
- email:[email protected]
- Licensed under the MIT license.