Code of BlockQuicksort and other algorithms tested in the paper "BlockQuicksort: Avoiding Branch Mispredictions in Quicksort" by Stefan Edelkamp and Armin Weiß (available at, conference version at ESA 2016, preprint on arXiv under the title "BlockQuicksort: How Branch Mispredictions don't affect Quicksort"
This package consists of the following files:
driver.cpp : generates test cases and runs the sorting algorithms
quicksort.h : contains different Quicksort main loops
partition.h : contains different versions of the block partitioner and other partitioners
median.h : functions for choosing pivot elements
insertionsort.h : copy of insertion_sort from the GCC 4.7.2 implementation of std::sort
interfaces for BlockQuicksort with different pivot selection methods / partitioners: blocked.h++, blocked_double_pivot_check.h++, blocked_double_pivot_check_mosqrt.h++, blocked_hoare_finish.h++, blocked_mo3_mo3.h++, blocked_mo3_mo5.h++, blocked_mo5_mo5.h++, blocked_Mo5.h++, blocked_mo23.h++, blocked_mosqrt.h++, blocked_simple.h++, hoare.h++
The method blocked_double_pivot_check_mosqrt.h++ performed in all benchmarks close to the optimum and therefore is shown in most plots in the paper. For comparison also the method blocked_simple.h++ is shown in most plots in the paper.
lomuto_katajainen.h++ : interface for Tuned Quicksort by Elmasry, Katajainen and Stenmark
ssssort.h++ : Super Scalar Sample Sort implemented by Timo Bingmann and Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider
stl_gcc : copy of std::sort from the GCC 4.7.2 implementation
qsort3_aumueller.h++, rotations.h, inssort.h : three pivot Quicksort implemented by Timo Bingmann and Martin Aumüller
Yaroslavskiy.h++ : dual pivot Quicksort by Vladimir Yaroslavkiy
For running time experiments with one single algorithm: make .time
For running time tests with different sets of algorithms and test cases (output written to .csv file): make timetest make allAlgtimetest make pivotmethodtest make time-tests-data-all make blocksizetest-data
For comparison and move experiments with one single algorithm: make .comp make .move These tests are not implemented for all algorithms.
Build a single algorithm can be done through:
make build ALGNAME="algorithm_name"
Build a single algorithm with a custom type:
make build ALGNAME="algorithm_name" TYPE="custom_type"
#How to run
./a.out input_size distribution_type seed
distribution_type is given by 1 letter, see driver.cpp for further details, it has quite a few!.
There are quite a few testing methods, I encourage you to go exploring yourself, however the most notable are listed below.
Runs all algorithms with the permutations defined in the variable: newsmalldata. We tested with the variable existingsmalldata
make newtimetest
Existing method we do not implement. Runs a lot of tests with different types and permutations, takes a while!
make timetest
Runs the perf state command on all algorithms, on all input sizes with random permutation. Used to see instructions count, branches and branch misses.
make perftimetest
Runs blocksize tests on both blocked and multi-pivot blocked algorithms.
make newblocksizetest