include kwargs #6
6 errors
test (CPU 2.3 RC, 32-core-ubuntu, torch==2.3.0 --index-url
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
test (CUDA 2.2.2, 4-core-ubuntu-gpu-t4, torch==2.2.2)
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
test (CPU 2.2.2, 32-core-ubuntu, torch==2.2.2 --index-url
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
test (CUDA 2.3 RC, 4-core-ubuntu-gpu-t4, torch==2.3.0 --index-url
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
test (Nightly CPU, 32-core-ubuntu, --pre torch --index-url
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.
test (CUDA Nightly, 4-core-ubuntu-gpu-t4, --pre torch --index-url
This request was automatically failed because there were no enabled runners online to process the request for more than 1 days.