NOTE: Webrecorder Player has been superceded by
Users of Webrecorder Player are encouraged to switch to the latest App.
Webrecorder Player is a desktop application for viewing high-fidelity web archives on your local machine, no internet connection required. Webrecorder Player is available for download for OSX, Windows and Linux (experimental).
Download the latest version for your platform. On OSX, you can move the extracted Webrecorder Player app into your Applications directory.
Start the application. (Note: At this time, Webrecorder Player is not yet signed through official app store, so you may have to accept launching unsigned apps).
Click Load Web Archive to select a web archive file and start browsing.
A web archive is a record of web resources. It may include HTML and images, scripts, stylesheets, as well as video, audio and other elements that web pages and web apps are made of, all in one file.
Webrecorder Player currently supports browsing web archives in the following formats:
- WARC format (.warc, warc.gz) — the most commonly used one
- HAR format (.har)
- ARC format (.arc, .arg.gz)
You can use free service to create, view, share and save your web archives online.
To view your web archives offline, you can download them from and use this app to browse your archives.
Most of the code for Webrecorder, both backend and frontend is found in our main webrecorder/webrecorder repository.
This repository includes the Electron wrapper and includes webrecorder/webrecorder
as a submodule.
Building locally requires Node and Python.
Clone this repository with submodules:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
or for older versions of git:
$ git clone $ git submodule update --init --recursive
Switch to the directory and install node modules (
should work):$ cd webrecorderplayer-electron; yarn install
Build the Webrecorder python binary by running the build script. This requires Python 3.5+:
$ bash ./
Alternatively, you can manually download the latest python binary, placing it into
. You can obtain pre-built python binaries here: -
(Optional) if you want to enable Flash you have to copy a flash plugin into
.Follow these instructions to find a local copy of PepperFlashPlugin in Chrome/Chromium
Build the electron and webrecorder packages:
$ yarn run build
To start in Dev mode run:
$ yarn run start-dev
A final packaged binary version of Webrecorder Player can be created for your environment (Linux, OSX, Windows) and placed in
by running:$ yarn run dist
Webrecorder Player is a project of Rhizome
For issues with the project, you can open an issue or contact us at [email protected]
Webrecorder is Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See NOTICE and LICENSE for details.