Sync interfaces/ with @webref/idl 3.58.0 #49760
Community-TC (pull_request)
Verify that all tests affected by a pull request are stable when executed in chrome.
View task in Taskcluster | View logs in Taskcluster | View task group in Taskcluster
Task Status
Started: 2024-12-18T12:15:51.367Z
Resolved: 2024-12-18T12:31:53.423Z
Task Execution Time: 16 minutes, 2 seconds, 56 milliseconds
Task Status: completed
Reason Resolved: completed
RunId: 0
- public/logs/live_backing.log
- public/logs/live.log
- public/results/
WPT Command: python3 ./wpt run --channel=dev --verify --verify-no-chaos-mode --verify-repeat-loop=0 --verify-repeat-restart=10 --github-checks-text-file=/home/test/artifacts/ --affected base_head --log-mach-level=info --log-mach=- -y --no-pause --no-restart-on-unexpected --install-fonts --no-headless --verify-log-full --enable-swiftshader --install-browser --install-webdriver chrome
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Task ID: WSrgRnWOQxeaIzxmwGPlpQ
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Worker ID: 1182271579058277421
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Worker Group: us-east1-c
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Worker Node Type: projects/757942385826/machineTypes/n2-standard-4
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Worker Pool: proj-wpt/ci
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Worker Version: 46.1.0
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Public IP:
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:51.435Z] Hostname: proj-wpt-ci-zsbeqmd1racb9-ycfqa-sa
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:15:52.257Z] === Task Starting ===
+ '[' '' ']'
+ '[' -d /etc/profile.d ']'
+ for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh
+ '[' -r /etc/profile.d/ ']'
+ . /etc/profile.d/
+++ /usr/bin/locale-check C.UTF-8
++ eval
+ for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh
+ '[' -r /etc/profile.d/ ']'
+ . /etc/profile.d/
...(1209138 lines hidden)...
14:41.31 INFO | `Document includes NonElementParentNode: member names are unique` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Document includes ParentNode: member names are unique` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Document includes XPathEvaluatorBase: member names are unique` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Document includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface object length` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface object name` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onloadstart` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onprogress` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onabort` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onerror` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onload` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute ontimeout` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onloadend` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestUpload interface object length` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestUpload interface object name` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestUpload must be primary interface of (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Stringification of (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onloadstart" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onprogress" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onabort" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onload" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "ontimeout" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onloadend" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface object length` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface object name` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute onreadystatechange` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant UNSENT on interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant UNSENT on interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant OPENED on interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant OPENED on interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant HEADERS_RECEIVED on interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant HEADERS_RECEIVED on interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant LOADING on interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant LOADING on interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant DONE on interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: constant DONE on interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute readyState` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation open(ByteString, USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation open(ByteString, USVString, boolean, optional USVString?, optional USVString?)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation setRequestHeader(ByteString, ByteString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute timeout` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute withCredentials` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute upload` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation send(optional (Document or XMLHttpRequestBodyInit)?)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation abort()` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseURL` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute status` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute statusText` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation getResponseHeader(ByteString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation getAllResponseHeaders()` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: operation overrideMimeType(DOMString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseType` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute response` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseText` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseXML` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest must be primary interface of new XMLHttpRequest()` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Stringification of new XMLHttpRequest()` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onreadystatechange" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "UNSENT" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "OPENED" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "HEADERS_RECEIVED" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "LOADING" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "DONE" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "readyState" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "open(ByteString, USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: calling open(ByteString, USVString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "open(ByteString, USVString, boolean, optional USVString?, optional USVString?)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: calling open(ByteString, USVString, boolean, optional USVString?, optional USVString?) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "setRequestHeader(ByteString, ByteString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: calling setRequestHeader(ByteString, ByteString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "timeout" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "withCredentials" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "upload" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "send(optional (Document or XMLHttpRequestBodyInit)?)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: calling send(optional (Document or XMLHttpRequestBodyInit)?) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseURL" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "status" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "statusText" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "getResponseHeader(ByteString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: calling getResponseHeader(ByteString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "getAllResponseHeaders()" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "overrideMimeType(DOMString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: calling overrideMimeType(DOMString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseType" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "response" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseText" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseXML" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onloadstart" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onprogress" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onabort" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onload" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "ontimeout" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onloadend" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: existence and properties of interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface object length` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface object name` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation append(USVString, USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation append(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation delete(USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation get(USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation getAll(USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation has(USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation set(USVString, USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: operation set(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: iterable<USVString, FormDataEntryValue>` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData must be primary interface of new FormData()` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Stringification of new FormData()` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "append(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling append(USVString, USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "append(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling append(USVString, Blob, optional USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "delete(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling delete(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "get(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling get(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "getAll(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling getAll(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "has(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling has(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "set(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling set(USVString, USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "set(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling set(USVString, Blob, optional USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData must be primary interface of new FormData(form)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Stringification of new FormData(form)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "append(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling append(USVString, USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "append(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling append(USVString, Blob, optional USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "delete(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling delete(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "get(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling get(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "getAll(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling getAll(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "has(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling has(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "set(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling set(USVString, USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "set(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling set(USVString, Blob, optional USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData must be primary interface of new FormData(form, submitter)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Stringification of new FormData(form, submitter)` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "append(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling append(USVString, USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "append(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling append(USVString, Blob, optional USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "delete(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling delete(USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "get(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling get(USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "getAll(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling getAll(USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "has(USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling has(USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "set(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling set(USVString, USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: new FormData(form, submitter) must inherit property "set(USVString, Blob, optional USVString)" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `FormData interface: calling set(USVString, Blob, optional USVString) on new FormData(form, submitter) with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface object length` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface object name` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: attribute lengthComputable` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: attribute loaded` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: attribute total` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent must be primary interface of new ProgressEvent("type")` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `Stringification of new ProgressEvent("type")` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: new ProgressEvent("type") must inherit property "lengthComputable" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: new ProgressEvent("type") must inherit property "loaded" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO | `ProgressEvent interface: new ProgressEvent("type") must inherit property "total" with the proper type` | PASS | |
14:41.31 INFO
14:41.31 INFO ::: Running tests in a loop with restarts 10 times : PASS
14:41.31 INFO :::
14:41.31 INFO ::: Test verification PASS
14:41.31 INFO :::
X connection to :99.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:31:52.255Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-12-18 12:31:52.647Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 961.213 seconds