A Tool that utilizes the Intel Pin framework to dynamically detect deadlock conditions in an executable. For more information on the Intel Pin framework please consult https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/pintool/docs/81205/Pin/html/index.html
download and unpack the intel Pin Framework for your OS (Link Below) https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/pin-a-binary-instrumentation-tool-downloads
Installation for Intel Pin can be found in link below https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/pintool/docs/81205/Pin/html/index.html#INSTALLATION
Our version is developed on the Pin 3.7version on a 64 bit Linux OS.
- Navigate to the unpacked pin tools directory (mine is "pin-3.7-97619/source/tools")
- clone the repo into this directory
- in this same tools directory modify the makefile and add the new folder into the section ALL_TEST_DIRS (should append DeadlockDetectionTool)
- save. Pin uses a CMake style makefile structure so it will build every test in this directory if make command is executed inside the tool directory.
- cd into DeadlockDetectionTool and type make to make the .so and .o files for the Deadlock Detection Tool
- If no failures The tool is set to use
- in the DeadLockDetectionTool Directory type in something like
- ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/DeadlockPinTool.so -- ../../../../deadlock_tests/deadlock
this command line does the following:
- ../../../pin --> executes the intel pin tool
- -t obj-intel64/DeadlockPinTool.so --> -t option tells the pin executable which tool .so file to use. In this case it is our Dead ock detection tool called DeadlockPinTool.
- -- ../../../../deadlock_tests/deadlock This tells what program we are doing our dynamic analysis on
time ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/DeadlockPinTool.so -o out -- ./deadlock_tests/nodeadlock time ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/DeadlockPinTool.so -o out -- ./deadlock_tests/deadlock time valgrind --tool=helgrind deadlock_tests/nodeadlock