TVCommanderKit is a Swift SDK for controlling Samsung Smart TVs over a WebSocket connection. It provides a simple and convenient way to interact with your TV and send remote control commands from your iOS application. This file will guide you through using the TVCommanderKit SDK in your project.
- Usage
- Delegate Methods
- Searching for TVs
- Fetching TV Device Info
- Establishing Connection
- Authorizing Application with TV
- Sending Remote Control Commands
- Disconnecting from TV
- Error Handling
- Text Entry
- Wake on LAN
- Managing TV Apps
- License
- Import the TVCommanderKit module:
import TVCommanderKit
- Initialize a
object with your TV's IP address and application name:
let tvCommander = try TVCommander(tvIPAddress: "your_tv_ip_address", appName: "your_app_name")
- Implement the necessary delegate methods to receive updates and handle events (see Delegate Methods), then set your delegate to receive updates and events from the TVCommander:
tvCommander.delegate = self
- Connect to your TV (see Establishing Connection for further details):
Handle incoming authorization steps to authorize your app to send remote controls (see Authorizing Application with TV).
Send remote control commands (see Sending Remote Control Commands).
Disconnect from your TV when done:
The TVCommanderDelegate protocol provides methods to receive updates and events from the TVCommanderKit SDK:
tvCommanderDidConnect(_ tvCommander: TVCommander)
: Called when the TVCommander successfully connects to the TV. -
tvCommanderDidDisconnect(_ tvCommander: TVCommander)
: Called when the TVCommander disconnects from the TV. -
tvCommander(_ tvCommander: TVCommander, didUpdateAuthState authStatus: TVAuthStatus)
: Called when the authorization status is updated. -
tvCommander(_ tvCommander: TVCommander, didWriteRemoteCommand command: TVRemoteCommand)
: Called when a remote control command is sent to the TV. -
tvCommander(_ tvCommander: TVCommander, didEncounterError error: TVCommanderError)
: Called when the TVCommander encounters an error.
The TVCommanderKit SDK includes a TVSearcher
class that helps you discover Samsung Smart TVs on the network. You can use this class to search for TVs and obtain TV
instances for each discovered TV.
let tvSearcher = TVSearcher()
You can also specify a TV to search for using its ID. Once the TVSeacher
finds a TV with a matching ID, it will automatically stop searching:
To stop searching for TVs, call the stopFindingTVs() method:
You need to conform to the TVSearchObserving
protocol to receive updates on the search state and discovered TVs.
Upon finding TV
s using the TVSearcher
class, you can also fetch device info using the TVFetcher
let tvFetcher = TVFetcher(session: .shared) // use custom URLSession for mocking, etc
Invoking the fetchDevice(for:)
method will return either an updated TV
object (with device info injected) or a TVFetcherError
tvFetcher.fetchDevice(for: tv) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let tvFetched):
// use updated tv
case .failure(let error):
// handle fetch error
To establish a connection to your TV, use the connectToTV()
method. This method will create a WebSocket connection to your TV with the provided IP address and application name. If a connection is already established, it will handle the error gracefully.
If you're worried about man-in-the-middle attacks, it's recommended that you implement a custom cert-pinning type and pass it through the optional certPinner
parameter to ensure connection to a trusted server (make sure your custom cert-pinning type doesn't also strongly reference the TVCommander
, as this will result in a retain cycle).
After establishing a connection to the TV, you'll need to authorize your app for sending remote controls. You can access the authorization status of your application via the authStatus
property. If your TV hasn't already handled your application's authorization, a prompt should appear on your TV for you to choose an authorization option. Once you select an option within the prompt, if the authorization status updated, it will get passed back through the corresponding delegate method:
func tvCommander(_ tvCommander: TVCommander, didUpdateAuthState authStatus: TVAuthStatus) {
switch authStatus {
case .none: // application authorization incomplete
case .allowed: // application allowed to send commands, token stored in tvCommander.tvConfig.token
case .denied: // application not allowed to send commands
You can send remote control commands to your TV using the sendRemoteCommand(key:)
method. Ensure that you are connected to the TV and the authorization status is allowed before sending commands.
tvCommander.sendRemoteCommand(key: .enter)
TVCommanderKit provides a convenient text entry feature, allowing you to quickly input text into on-screen keyboards. There are now two ways to send text input to the TV:
- Direct Text Input
to send text directly to the TV. This is the preferred method for compatible devices.let textToSend = "Hello, World!" tvCommander.sendText(textToSend)
- Keyboard Navigation (Legacy)
method simulates typing by navigating an on-screen keyboard. This approach will likely be removed in future versions.let textToEnter = "Hello, World!" let keyboardLayout = tvCommander.enterText(textToEnter, on: keyboardLayout)
When you're done with the TVCommander, disconnect from your TV using the disconnectFromTV()
The TVCommanderKit SDK includes error handling for various scenarios, and errors are reported through the delegate method tvCommander(_ tvCommander: TVCommander, didEncounterError error: TVCommanderError)
. You should implement this method to handle errors appropriately.
The TVCommanderKit SDK now supports Wake on LAN functionality. You can wake up your TV using the wakeOnLAN
let device = TVWakeOnLANDevice(mac: "your_tv_mac_address")
TVCommander.wakeOnLAN(device: device) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Wake on LAN failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("Wake on LAN successful!")
allows you to interact with TV applications on Samsung TVs using their IP address and app ID.
let tvAppManager = TVAppManager() let tvApp = TVApp(id: "3201907018807", name: "Netflix")
Fetch App Status:
let tvIPAddress = "" let appStatus = try await tvAppManager.fetchStatus(for: tvApp, tvIPAddress: tvIPAddress) print(appStatus)
Launch App:
try await tvAppManager.launch(tvApp: tvApp, tvIPAddress: tvIPAddress)
Errors like invalid URLs or app not found are handled by TVAppManagerError
and TVAppNetworkError
The TVCommanderKit SDK is distributed under the MIT license.
Feel free to contribute to this SDK, report issues, or provide feedback. I hope you find TVCommanderKit useful in building your Samsung Smart TV applications!