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Hybrid batch/real-time AWS::Serverless data warehouse

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Dataless is an toy data product in AWS::Serverless.

If you want to deploy and use Dataless, start with the Quickstart. Otherwise, jump ahead to the Overview.


This will step you through the initial deploy of the warehouse. The deploy is fully automated, but can take up to 30 minutes depending on configuration. While it is deploying, you can read an overview of Dataless.

Important: This template must be deployed in us-east-1 if DNS is enabled. Be sure to set the appropriate environment variables in your terminal:

export AWS_REGION="us-east-1"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"

Fork and Clone

Fork and clone the repo.

git clone<my-username>/dataless
cd dataless


The app is configured via a config/<branch-name>.json file. By default, no configuration options are required. Ensure your config/master.json looks like:

  "Parameters": {}

Recommended: Set Deployment Preference, Enable Route53

Deploy CI/CD Pipeline

Deploy the build pipeline CloudFormation template using the AWS CLI. Wait for the template to completely deploy before continuing.

# A unique prefix for created stacks.

# Create the stack
aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name ${STACK_PREFIX} \
  --template-body "$(cat build.yaml)" \

Recommended: Enable GitHub


Push code to your repo to deploy.

If using GitHub, the initial pipeline run will trigger automatically. If using CodeCommit, you must perform the initial push. The repo URL is in the template outputs and can be fetched as below.

# Push this repository to the created CodeCommit repo.  It may take a minute or
# two for CodePipeline to see the push.
# Note: SSH keys for CodeCommit repos on OSX can be janky.
REPO_URL=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_PREFIX} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue" --output text)
git remote add origin ${REPO_URL}
git push origin master


Dataless is a toy data product in AWS::Serverless. It captures real-time user tracking data and uses it to serve both the end customer that generated the data and the business offering the service.

It is designed to be "data in, information out": raw data is written to the warehouse and derived information is served from it. It is implemented with a "buy, don't build" approach, using strictly AWS services configured with CloudFormation.

The example product used is a simplistic online advertising service: ad impressions and clicks are captured and clickthrough information is served. Dataless is intended as a reference implementation focusing on infrastructure and as a template for further development, so the product has been kept intentionally simple.

Architecturally, there are three main components to the warehouse: the capture component, the batch component, and the real-time component.


The capture component's purpose is to capture raw data, persist it to long-term storage as quickly and reliably as possible, ETL it into the data lake, and make it available for further processing.

Impression and click data is received by beacon endpoints in an API Gateway. The endpoints publish the data to Kinesis Firehose, which writes it to S3 in raw format.

A daily ETL has been created with Glue. A crawler scans the raw data and makes it available as Glue tables. ETL jobs -one per datatype- rewrite the raw data into optimized Glue tables.

Once the data is ETL-ed into Glue, it is universally available. All data in Glue is immediately usable in Athena, QuickSight, Redshift Spectrum, and EMR.


The batch component both provides internal business customers with periodic reporting, and provides end customers with analytics about their ads.

It is built on top of the data lake using AWS Data Pipeline. The pipeline uses EMR (and optionally Redshift) to process data.


The EMR portion of the pipeline primarily makes use of Hive. First, it uses Hive to materialize a view in Glue for business customers.

Next, it uses Hive to derive ad traffic data for end customers. The data is loaded into a DynamoDB table and is served to customers via API Gateway.


If Redshift is enabled (see Advanced below,) the pipeline also loads the data into Redshift. It uses Redshift Spectrum to load all of the Glue data onto the cluster, and loads the results of earlier Hive queries directly onto the cluster from EMR.


The real-time component processes user data in real time. It is built on the capture infrastructure and uses Kinesis Analytics to build a CloudWatch dashboard showing global impressions, clicks, and clickthrough rate.


An CloudWatch dashboard provides operational visibility into the running of the warehouse.

Security has been designed into the warehouse. All data is encrypted in flight and at rest and IAM roles have minimal permissions. (Notable exceptions: EMR clusters and script instances are unencrypted, and the API is unauthenticated.)

A handful of resources are retained on template deletion, namely the buckets containing the data lake and the source code, and the source code repository if CodeCommit was used.

Self-Guided Demo

The self-guided demo will take you through the basic operations of the data warehouse. You will generate some load, enable real-time analytics, ETL data into Glue, and run the batch pipeline.

In a production setup, these demo tasks would be scheduled or triggered instead of manual. They are not for demonstration and cost-saving purposes. Most steps will be about a minute of clicking in the console, followed by a (possibly long) wait for automation to complete.

Generate Load

Build the Tool

To generate load, first build the ad-hoc load-generator tool. It is written in Go, so you will need the go tool to build it.

go build -o ./loadgen ./load-generator

Configure the Tool

In load-generator/config.yaml, set your base URL. If you are using DNS (see Configuration below,) the base URL will be https://<base-dns-name>/advertising (for example,

If you are not using DNS, the config is set up to point to the API Gateway instance of the advertising service. There are three environment variables to set:

  • API_ID should be set to the API output of the nested AdvertisingService stack
  • REGION should be the region the stack is deployed in.
  • STAGE should be Prod.

All other parameters are pre-tuned to generate a steady load within the default scaling limits. Do not adjust them.

Run the Tool

Finally, in a separate terminal start the load generator and pass in the configuration file:

# With DNS
./loadgen -c load-generator/config.yaml

# Without DNS
API_ID="<api-output-from-advertising-service-stack>" REGION="us-east-1" STAGE="Prod" ./loadgen -c load-generator/config.yaml

This will generate a dot (.) for every batch of 500 records sent to the warehouse. Any errors will be printed to the console.

Verify: Check CloudWatch

Once load is being generated, you should be able to see traffic coming across the beacon endpoints using the included OpsDashboard in CloudWatch. Within 15 minutes, you should see data being written to S3 via Kinesis Firehose.


To enable the real-time app, enable the two Kinesis Analytics applications in the AWS Console.

Enable the Kinesis Analytics Applications

In the console, navigate to Kinesis and select "Data Analytics" from the left. For each of the "RealTimeImpressions" and "RealTimeClicks" applications, select the applications, click "Actions", and select "Run Application". Each application will take 60-90 seconds to start.

Note: Kinesis Stream Analytics is $0.11/hour/app and does not have a free tier. Be sure to stop the applications when done to avoid any additional charges.

Verify: Check CloudWatch

Within a minute or two of the applications being started, the graph on the RealTimeAdvertisingDashboard CloudWatch dashboard should be populated with impressions, clicks, and a clickthrough rate. If all is well, the clickthrough rate should be 30% (the ClickthroughProbability value set in load-generator/config.yaml.)


Important: Wait approximately 15 minutes after starting the load generator before ETL-ing data to ensure Kinesis Firehose has flushed to S3. You will see metrics in the OpsDashboard once data has been flushed.

To ETL the data into the data lake, use Glue. You will crawl the raw data, ETL it into the lake with PySpark, and finally crawl the ETL-ed tables to make the data available in Athena.

Run the Raw Data Crawler

First, in the AWS Console, navigate to Glue and choose "Crawlers" from the left. Select the raw_crawler crawler and click "Run Crawler".

Run the ETL Jobs

Once the crawler has completed, ETL the crawled raw data into the lake using the supplied jobs. From the left, select "Jobs". For each of the ImpressionsPythonETLJob and ClicksPythonETLJob jobs, select the job, click "Action", and select "Run Job". On the pop-up, click "Run Job". (Note: the jobs will take 15-30 minutes to start while the on-demand Spark cluster spins up the first time.) Alternatively, run the ImpressionsScalaETLJob and ClicksScalaETLJob jobs.

Note: The Python and Scala jobs are equivalent. If both sets of jobs are run, the data will be double ETL-ed into the lake.

Create and Run the Lake Crawler

Finally, crawl the loaded tables to make the data available in Athena. Since CloudFormation does not yet support crawling existing tables, a crawler must be manually created using the wizard:

  • In Glue, select "Crawlers" from the left.
  • Click "Add Crawler", give it the name "dataless-lake-crawler", and click "Next".
  • Choose "Existing catalog tables" and click "Next".
  • Add the clicks, impressions, and advertising tables and click "Next".
  • Choose "Create IAM role", give it the suffix "dataless-lake-crawler" and click "Next".
  • Choose "Run on demand" and click "Next".
  • Leave the default output settings and click "Next".
  • Click "Finish"

Once the crawler has been created, run it when prompted (or manually the same way as the raw_crawler.)

Verify: Query Athena

Once completed, you should be able to query the raw_impressions, raw_clicks, impressions, and clicks tables in Athena. The data in the raw_... tables should be the same as the data in the non-raw_... tables.

Batch Pipeline

Prerequisite: Sync and ETL Existing Dataset

The batch pipeline works on "yesterday"'s data. To avoid having to wait until after midnight UTC, sync a pre-existing data set to the bucket created in the nested AdvertisingService template. (Important: The trailing slashes are required.)

aws s3 sync s3://watersofoblivion-data/data/raw/ s3://<bucket-name>/data/raw/

Once the data has been synchronized, ETL it into the data lake. In Glue, re-run the raw_crawler crawler, then the ImpressionsPythonETLJob, ClicksPythonETLJob jobs, and finally the dataless-lake-crawler crawler.

The data in the dataset is from 2019-06-06.

Activate the Daily Pipeline

Activate the pipeline. Navigate to Data Pipeline in the AWS console, and select the "Daily Pipeline". Click "Actions" and select "Activate". (Note: if there is a warning about starting in the past, it is safe to ignore for the demo.) The pipeline will take approximately an hour to run.

Verify: Query Athena, cURL an Endpoint, and Query Redshift

Once the pipeline has completed, the advertising.advertising table in Athena should be populated with data, and the AdTrafficTable DynamoDB table should be populated with ad traffic data. You can now cURL the ad traffic endpoint with the ID of a random ad (taken manually from DynamoDB):

# https://<base-dns-name>/advertising/traffic/{ad-id}?start=<YYYY-mm-dd>&end=<YYYY-mm-dd>

The result should be something like:

  "count": 1,
  "next": "",
  "days": [
      "day": "2019-06-06",
      "impressions": 2,
      "clicks": 2

If Redshift is enabled (see Advanced below,) the instance should have three tables loaded from Glue:

  • public.impressions
  • public.clicks
  • public.advertising

The data in these tables should be identical to the data in the similarly named tables in the advertising Athena database.

It should also have five tables loaded from spectrum:

  • public.raw_impressions_spectrum
  • public.raw_clicks_spectrum
  • public.impressions_spectrum
  • public.clicks_spectrum
  • public.advertising_spectrum

These tables should contain the same data as the matching tables in advertising Athena database without the _spectrum suffix.


The template supports multiple configuration options.

Safe Lambda Deploys and API Gateway Stage

The CodeDeploy deployment configuration can be set with the DeploymentPreference parameter. The default is Canary10Percent5Minutes. For development, it can be set to AllAtOnce for faster deploys.

The Stage parameter sets the API Gateway stage deployed. The default is Prod.

  "Parameters": {
    "DeploymentPreference": "AllAtOnce"


Have the build pipeline pull from a GitHub repository by setting configuration parameters on the build template. GitHub source can be toggled on or off at any time.

The Owner, Repo, and Branch properties configure where the build pipeline pulls source code from. AccessToken must be set to a valid GitHub OAuth token with repo permissions. The branch defaults to master and can be omitted.

Example: Enable GitHub at Stack Creation Time

Replace <my-github-username-or-org> with your GitHub username or organization and <my-github-oauth-token> with your GitHub OAuth token.

aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name ${STACK_PREFIX} \
  --template-body "$(cat build.yaml)" \
  --parameters \
      ParameterKey=Owner,ParameterValue=<my-github-username-or-org> \
      ParameterKey=Repo,ParameterValue=dataless \
      ParameterKey=Branch,ParameterValue=master \
      ParameterKey=AccessToken,ParameterValue=<my-github-oauth-token> \


Mount the warehouse behind a Route53 domain name by adding the following parameters:

  • DNSDomainName: A domain name hosted in Route53 set up for ACM validation via either DNS or email
  • BaseDNSName: The DNS name where the warehouse will be mounted
  • HostedZoneID: (Conditional) If provided, DNS records will be added in this hosted zone. If not provided, a hosted zone will be created. If the domain name already has a hosted zone attached, it must be set to that hosted zone's ID.
  "Parameters": {
    "DNSDomainName": "",
    "HostedZoneID": "Z1234567890",
    "BaseDNSName": ""

On the first deploy with these options set, Route53 DNS will be set up. The contact listed for email validation will receive an email to confirm a certificate. The deploy will block until the certificate is approved.

DNS settings can be toggled on or off or altered at any time with a config change. Changing the BaseDNSName will require a new certificate to be issued.


The pipeline supports additional Redshift functionality and the ability to use a long-running EMR cluster and/or script instance. This functionality is not enabled by default, as it incurs ongoing costs.


Enabling advanced functionality requires a two-deploy rollout since it alters the structure of the data pipeline. (Note: If the pipeline has not yet been activated, the resources can be toggled ad libitum. Once the pipeline has been activated, the multi-deploy rollout is required.)

To enable or disable advanced functionality:

  • Disable the pipeline, enable/disable the resources, and redeploy
  • Enable the pipeline and redeploy

The pipeline can be disabled by setting the EnablePipeline config parameter to "" (blank).

The various resources can be enabled by setting the following config parameters to yes. Additional parameters are available in the template to tune the resources' parameters (instance size, count, etc.) The resources are managed with three main configuration parameters:

  • EnableEC2Instance
  • EnableEMRCluster
  • EnableRedshift

These resources are provisioned in a VPC, which is automatically enabled when any of the resources are enabled and disabled when all of them are disabled. (Note: If the deploy hangs tearing down the VPC, it is safe to simply delete the VPC from the console to un-stick the teardown.)

Example: Enable Redshift

To enable Redshift, first disable the pipeline and enable the Redshift cluster by setting EnablePipeline to "" (blank) and EnableRedshift to yes in config/master.json:

  "Parameters": {
    "EnablePipeline": "",
    "EnableRedshift": "yes"

Then deploy:

git add config/master.json
git commit -m "Disabling pipeline and enabling Redshift"
git push origin master

Next, re-enable the pipeline by removing the EnablePipeline configuration:

  "Parameters": {
    "EnableRedshift": "yes"

Then deploy:

git add config/master.json
git commit -m "Re-enabling Pipeline"
git push origin master

Resource-Specific Parameters

SSH Access

To be able to SSH to either the long-running EMR cluster or script instance, you must supply the name of a valid key pair using the KeyPair parameter. Otherwise, the clusters are created with no SSH access.

Long-Running Script Instance

You must pass a valid access key ID and secret access key to the Task Runner. These can be passed via the AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey parameters. Be sure to use a dedicated, permissions limited user to minimize the security risk of the credentials being compromised.

The instance type can be set with the EC2InstanceSize parameter. The default is t2.nano.

Long-Running EMR Cluster

The size of the cluster can be configured with the EMR(Master|Core)Instance(Type|Count) options. The default is 1 m3.xlarge instance each for master and core.

The EMR release to use can be configured with the EMRRelease parameter. The default is emr-5.23.0.


The size of the Redshift cluster can be configured using the RedshiftNodeType and RedshiftNumberOfNodes parameters.

The default database and user credentials can be configured using the RedshiftDatabase, RedshiftUsername, and RedshiftPassword parameters.


Hybrid batch/real-time AWS::Serverless data warehouse






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