This is a native iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS App for interacting with ChatGPT built using SwiftUI and OpenAPI API. It's using Official ChatGPT endpoint with gpt-3.5-turbo
- Xcode 14
- Register at
- Create API Key
- Paste API key in ContentView where the ChatGPTAPI instance is declared
You can use this standalone api client to access ChatGPT API, you can add dependency for ChatGPTSwift to access the API only if you want to integrate into your own app.
I've also created GPTEncoder Swift BPE Encoder/Decoder for OpenAI GPT Models. A programmatic interface for tokenizing text for OpenAI GPT API.
I've also created GPTTokenizerUI, a SPM lib you can integrate in your app for providing GUI to input text and show the tokenization results used by GPT API.