Behind every laptop there's an human, so I enjoy to share and exchange Software Development knowledge with others, building good software solutions.
- Software Engineer ‧ Since 2010.
- SaaS Enthusiast ‧ Actually building a SaaS/FinTech in Costa Rica (2022).
- TypeScript Proeficency ‧ I use to build on TypeScript for all my solutions.
- Tech Lead ‧ Cabana Data has been home since 2019.
- Backend Frameworks ‧ NodeJS, AngularJS, ReactJS
- Frontend Frameworks ‧ AngularJS, ReactJS
- Cloud Providers ‧ AWS is my favorite.
- Orchestration Engine ‧ Kubernetes (Kops, AWS EKS)
Probably I would like to talk with you about your project. Reach me at [email protected]