A Apache Maven parent POM to allow us some standardization across our Maven projects to reduce boilerplate as well as enable releases to the Central Repository easily.
Just add a parent segment with the latest version to your project
To release your project you can use the usual Maven release process.
mvn release:prepare release:perform
This deploys the project to the Central Repository via OSSRH and hence the binaries are available whereever Central is available. Prior to that the staging repository needs to be closed and released on OSSRH. Also person performing the release has to have correct access. To gain access contact [email protected].
SNAPSHOT version deployments emulating the full release build can be done with
mvn clean deploy -P takari-release
Binaries end up on https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/
The project uses the Takari Lifecycle for resources, compiler, jar, install and deploy replacement.
As usual
mvn clean install
Same as for usage of the project...