Click here for instructions on how to install.
BEB has been buffed
Horatio has been made objectively beautiful (Credit to Koxsos)
Scrapping has been unnerfed
BEB has been buffed
Craver ships are no longer made of crunchy bread
Cravers now understand that what they are doing is bad for the environment and have made a reasonable effort to improve themselves
Ships now travel at realistic speeds
Fighters now travel at light speed
New independent law added
Shields have not been changed
Pacifism is no longer viable
Skills were buffed according to a random number generator
Craver Juggernaut Module no longer has any movement malus
Hero Upkeep was slightly increased
Empire Improvements were improved
Pirates were made less aggressive
A shortage of parts has affected both the price and quality of engines
Trading Skills have been buffed (since someone was complaining trading was useless)
The Craver Home System may or may not start depleted
BEB has been buffed
No buildings were changed
Zelevas's charisma now has a negative effect on the environment
Elections occur slightly more frequently
Railguns are now viable
Some other minor balance tweaks