Unofficial Tableau API Ruby client
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tableau_ruby'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install tableau_ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'tableau_ruby'
Tableau.configure do |config|
# Required = ''
config.admin_name = 'your-admin-username'
config.admin_password = 'your-admin-password'
# Optional
config.user_name = 'user-to-act-on-behalf-of'
config.site_name = 'defaults-to-Default'
@client =
# Alternatively pass the information as a hash
@client =
host: '',
admin_name: 'your-admin-password',
admin_password: 'your-admin-password'
@site = JSON.parse(@client.sites.find_by(name: 'Default'))['site']
@user =, JSON.parse(@client.users.find_by(site_id: @site['id'], name: 'user-name'))['user'])
# By default the all request does not include projects in the results
# add them by including include_projects: true
@sites = client.sites.all(include_projects: true)
@site = client.sites.find_by(id: 'site-id') # also try :name and :url
@site = client.sites.create(name: 'Site Name')
@site = client.sites.update(id: 'site-id')
@site = client.sites.delete(id: 'site-id')
@projects = @client.projects.all()
@project = client.projects.create(name: 'Project Name', site_id: 'project-site-id')
@project = client.projects.update(id: 'project-id', site_id: 'project-site-id')
@project = client.projects.delete(id: 'project-id', site_id: 'project-site-id')
@users = client.users.all(site_id: 'site-id')
@user = client.users.find_by(name: 'user-name', site_id: 'site-id')
@user = client.users.create(name: 'new user', site_id: 'site-id')
@user = client.users.delete(id: 'user-id', site_id: 'site-id')
@workbooks = client.workbooks.all(site_id: 'site-id')
@workbooks = client.workbooks.all(site_id: 'site-id', is_owner: boolean, page_size: 'page-size', page_number: 'page-number')
@workbook = client.workbooks.find(id: 'workbook-id', site_id: 'site-id', include_views: true)
@workbook_image = client.workbooks.preview_image(id: 'workbook-id', site_id: 'site-id') # returns the binary image data.
- inherit site_id from client object to avoid having to pass site_id
- consolidate parameter checking
- error responses
- make self documenting
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/tableau_ruby/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request