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Themey is A collection of open source themes for your Godot 4.x game. Each theme includes a .tres
file and all images it uses. All themes are free to use both personally and comercially.
Available upon request. If there's a styled UI you need, let us know either by creating an issue in Github or reaching out on Discord.
Each theme folder includes a .tres
file and all necessary images for you to use that theme. Don't forget when copying the files over to include the themes
folder at the root of your Godot project so imports aren't messed up.
Example: res:/themes/clashy
All graphics, except for those inside src/material
are licensed under the attached CC-0 license.
Graphics inside "src/material" are licensed with the attached Apache 2.0 and available in full source from the material icons library.
All code and non-image files are licensed under the attached MIT license.
Attribution is appreciated but not required. If you would like to credit, please attribute to "Wadlo", "@wadlo" or attach a link to our discord: