node-odbc - An asynchronous Node interface to unixodbc and its supported drivers
var util = require('util');
var odbc = require("odbc");
var db = new odbc.Database();"DRIVER={FreeTDS};SERVER=host;UID=user;PWD=password;DATABASE=dbname", function(err)
db.query("select * from table", function(err, rows, moreResultSets)
unixODBC binding to node. Needs a properly configured odbc(inst).ini. Tested locally using the FreeTDS and Postgres drivers.
- Make sure you have the unixODBC binaries and unixODBC headers installed and the drivers configured.
- On ubuntu and probably most linux distros the unixODBC header files are in the unixodbc-dev package (apt-get install unixodbc-dev)
- On OSX one can use to install unixODBC (sudo port unixODBC)
git clone git://
cd node-odbc
node-waf configure build
npm install odbc
- If you are using the FreeTDS ODBC driver and you have column names longer than 30 characters, you should add "TDS_Version=7.0" to your connection string to retrive the full column name.
None known, but there might be one ;).
- Connection Management
- Querying
- Database Descriptions
- Binding Parameters (thanks to @gurzgri)
- Option to emit on each record to avoid collecting the entire dataset first and increasing memory usage
- More error handling.
- Tests
- SQLGetData needs to support retrieving multiple chunks and concatenation in the case of large column values
- orlandov's node-sqlite binding was the framework I used to figure out using eio's thread pool to handle blocking calls since non blocking odbc doesn't seem to appear until 3.8.
Lee Smith ([email protected])
Dan VerWeire ([email protected])