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Installation and use of the computer programs for experiments in
lattice polytopes

Version 1.2


Winfried Bruns ([email protected])

October 08, 2011


0. Preliminaries

The programs described below are made public in the hope that they
are useful for the mathematical community. They come with absolutely
no warranty. They are distributed under the GPL.

The software package ToricExp contains algorithms for the creation
and investigation of lattice polytopes and related objects. The
executable programs aim at finding (counter)examples to open
questions or conjectures on "smooth" polytopes, i.e., lattice
polytopes whose associated affine monoid algebra is the homogeneous
coordinate ring of a smooth projective toric variety.

At present the source code does not fulfill the ISO-C standard, but
in the long run I want to convert it to a well-structured library in
order to make it accessible for programming by others. Please do not
mind the terrible mixture of German and English in the source code.
One day it will be cleaned up. Moreover, the source code cannot hide
that it has been developed over time so that it is not as uniform as

Except for the h-vector computation, the library contains the
algorithms of Normaliz in an independent implementation plus many
more things. Some of them may migrate into Normaliz. It could be
that both projects will be merged into a single one, but I am not
sure yet.

Contents of the package

At top level:

--- QuestToricRev.pdf: mathematical background
--- Makefile: for compilation
--- ToricExp.txt: this file
--- Copying: the GPL license
--- ToricExp.h: the library
--- ChPoly.c: executable (after compilation)
--- RandTriang.c: executable
--- Support.c: executable
--- Triangulate.c: executable
--- Samples: subdirectory with example directories

Subdirectories of Samples: these are named after the executables and
contain sample input and output and sample configuration files. The
output has been produced with the settings of the options determined
by the default settings and the configuration files in the
respective subdirectories.

This documentation is rather brief. It will certainly help if you
have a look into the source code of the executable programs and also
into the example subdirectories.

1. Installation and compilation

Simply unzip the package in a directory of your choice.
Inside this directory you will then find a directory ToricExp. Then
call "make" inside ToricExp to compile the executables.

Alternatively, each of the programs can be compiled by the command

gcc -O3 <Name>.c -o <Name>

where <Name> stands for one of the executable programs. It is
mandatory to use the names of the executables described by the
syntax of the command since the programs call each other.

I have tested the programs under Linux and Windows/Cygwin.

Moreover, you must install Normaliz and copy the executable
normaliz (or normaliz.exe) to a directory in your search path.

For Normaliz see

2. Overview of the programs

The file ToricExp.h contains a library of functions on which all the
executables are based.

The executable programs are compiled from the following files

   RandTriang.c  --- creates "random" projective unimodular fans
   Support.c     --- computes support polytopes of such fans
   ChPoly.c      --- checks the critical properties of "smooth" polytopes
   Triangulate.c --- computes unimodular refinements of fans

3. Dependencies between the programs

RandTriang runs as an eternal loop until it is stopped. For each fan
created it calls Support, and Support then calls ChPoly for checking
the polytopes computed by Support.

ChPoly calls norm64 (if the degree 2 check is applied).

Triangulate does not call any other program and is not called by any
of them.

Calls of external programs are listed in the log file as "Calling
<full command>" where <full command> stands for the command issued,
including command line parameters.

4. Running experiments

A potential experiment is given by the


chain. But you can also set up your own experiment as follows:

   (Your own simplicial fan maker)-->Triangulate-->Support-->ChPoly


   (Your own smooth polytope maker)-->ChPoly

Time critical steps

According to my experience, no step in the computations should block
your machine for a very long time (say 12 hours) if you use the
default settings.

The most dangerous step is the computation of support polytopes. If
you experience problems with it, reduce the value of
MaxPicRankHilbBase (see Section 9). Also the parameters MaxicRank
and MaxConesInFan of RandTriang have influence on this computation.
They should be decreased if even the computation of extremal rays of
the "nef cone extended by its interior" causes problems.

The default settings allow 2000 lattice points for the degree 2
check in ChPoly. With this number you should expect a computation
time of about 30 minutes (and 5 minutes for 1000 lattice points).

Switch the timer on if you want to measure computation times.


For the arithmetic of vectors, matrices etc. the programs use the C
type "long long" that is expected to represent 64 bit precision.

Some speedup can be achieved by removing "#typedef LONGLONG" from
the source code. Then the arithmetic is restricted to 32 bit.
However, the chances for arithmetic overflow grow substantially, and
I cannot recommend it.

5. Exchange of data and log file

The programs exchange data via files in the current directory. File
names for exchange are created as temporary names based on PIDs.
These files are automatically erased after return to the calling
program. This means, the input file for a program is not erased if
the program is called "by hand".

The input files contain lists of matrices. A matrix has the
following format:

   v_11 ... v_1n
   v_m1 ... v_mn

where the v_ij are integers. The m lines are interpreted as vectors
in ZZ^n, linear forms on ZZ^n, pr as lists of indices.

The programs write log files to stdout. This output stream is usually
redirected to a hard disk file.

Each program prints its PID into the log file. This is very useful
when a program needs to be killed from "top" and you have several
programs of the same name running. The PID is also used to name
files with data to be transferred to another program.

Also log files take space, and you may want to reduce it. In
addition to switching off the option Verbose and the Timer, you can
comment out some output that is only included in order to document
the flow of computations. For example, you may want to comment out
the "Calling ..." printf command in the function "run_pgm" in

6. Representation of cones, polytopes, and fans

A cone is either represented by a matrix whose rows (interpreted as
vector in RR^n) generate it, or by a matrix whose rows, interpreted
as linear forms on RR^n or inner normals of the facets, cut it out.

Polytopes are ALWAYS represented as the height 1 cross-section of a
cone where "height" refers to the LAST coordinate. In particular
this means that the number of components n (as in Section 5) is the
polytope dimension +1.

A fan is specified by two consecutive matrices: the first matrix
contains the rays of the fan, and the second matrix contains the
maximal cones in the fan where each cone is specified by the indices
of its rays (relative to the first matrix).Fans are represented in
their natural space, and for them n is really the dimension.

The programs assume that all objects are fulldimensional. This is
not necessarily checked, and if it fails, strange error messages may

7. Command line parameters and configuration files

The first parameter is always the name of the input file if the
program needs an input file. The others have special meanings, as
explained below.

RandTriang, Support, and ChPoly read their own configuration files,
provided these exist. The configuration files have the name(s)


where <Name> is the name of the associated program. The
configuration file can change all the default options. Each line has
the form

   option value

where value is a string, an integer or a boolean value ("true" or
"false"). The value of a string option can be "(empty)" which
indicates that the value is the empty string. Usually the empty
string indicates that a certain action should be suppressed.

Both option and value are limited to 49 characters.

8. RandTriang

Command line parameters are 3 positive integers:

   RandTriang Dim Bound ExtraV

Here Dim is the dimension of the fan to be created. Bound limits the
absolute values of the rays of the projective random fan made, and
ExtraV bounds the number of "extra" vectors added to the Dim+1
vectors that we need at least if we want to make a complete fan.

Note that the components of the rays of the unimodular fan to which
the random choice is refined may have entries larger than Bound in
absolute value.

Often it happens that fans are too large. The size of admissible
fans is limited by the maximum Picard rank ( = #rays - Dim) and the
maximum number of maximal cones in the fan. Default values:

   MaxPicRank 20
   MaxConesInFan 150

The random number generator uses time(&ticks) as its seed. It is
sometimes desirable (especially in debugging) to set the seed
manually. Then you add a line

   seed N

to the configuration file where N is the seed to be used. The
default is "seed (empty)". (Contrary to what you might think, "seed"
is an option whose value is a string).

You can switch on/off a timer indicating the computation time for
the steps in the computation. Default setting:

   Timer false

There is one more option set by default as follows:

   NameDatabaseFan ../Fan_Sm

The first setting indicates that a database file of fans is to be
created (in the directory above the current one) and to be searched
to check whether a newly created fan has appeared already. For
example, the line

   New in  ../Fan_Sm_3.base Typ 833

in the log file indicates that the fan just created has not yet been
found (and that there are 832 fans found before). If you see

   Random triang made
   UniModular refinement made
   Random triang made
   UniModular refinement made

then (at least) the first of the two fans is "old". (Again, one
could think of commenting out the corresponding printf commands.)

The last option is set

   Verbose true

With this setting, RandTriang writes the (new and admissible)
unimodular fan to the log file. If you want to save space in the log
file, set Verbose to false.

RandTriang writes the fan to a file with name


in the current directory where <PID> is the PID of the running
process. Then Support is called with the (full) filename as its


The command

   RandTriang 3 2 5 > RandTriang325.log

produced the file RandTriang325.log in the subdirectory RandTriang.
Here 3 is the polytope dimension, 2 is the bound for the entries of
the vectors in the random simplicial fan, and 5 tells RandTriang
that the number of rays in the fan should vary between 4=3+1 and 9.

When you run the program with these parameters yourself, then the
output will most likely be different since it depends on the random
number generator.

Moreover, the name of the database has been set in the configuration
file in a such a way that they are created in the current directory.
They were initially empty.

9. Support

This program aims at finding lattice polytopes whose normal fan is
the input to the program. These polytopes correspond to very ample
divisors on the smooth projective toric variety defined by the input
fan. Moreover, they correspond to support functions of the fan, and
this correspondence is used for their computation.

We are free to assume that the support function has value 0 on one
of the maximal cones in the fan---this amounts to fixing the
corresponding vertex of the support polytope at the origin. We
choose the first cone (in the fan given to Support) for this

Support functions are uniquely determined by an assignment of values
to the primitive vectors in the rays of the fan such that the
inequalities for "strict" convexity are satisfied. (Because of
unimodularity, every assignment of values can be extended to a
piecewise linear function.) These inequalities are set up by the
program, and then it tries to find integer points in the interior of
the "nef cone" defined by them.

More precisely, it tries to compute the minimal system of generators
of the interior lattice points as an ideal over the monoid of
lattice points in the nef cone.

This amounts to a Hilbert basis computation in the "extended nef
cone". However this computation can be extremely time consuming, and
therefore the program restricts itself to computing the extreme rays
of the "extended nef cone" if a certain dimension is exceeded
(option MaxPicRankHilbBase; see below).

This program is called with a single parameter, namely the name of
the file containing the fan to be investigated:

   Support inputfile

The input file contains a single unimodular projective fan.

Default settings for general options:

   Timer true
   Verbose false

If Verbose is changed to "true", then many data will be printed: the
hyperplanes describing the nef cone, then those describing its
extended by its interior. Moreover, the extreme rays, the essential
hyperplanes and the Hilbert basis (if computed) of the "extended nef
cone" are written to the log file.

The computation of the Hilbert basis is controlled by the following
option (with its default value):

   MaxPicRankHilbBase 10

This means that the Hilbert basis of the "extended nef cone" is
computed if its dimension at most 11 (because of the extension by
the interior). Increasing the value will lead to "better" (and more)
support polytopes for higher Picard ranks. You can experiment with
the value to see its effect on computing time.

If the Picard rank is larger than MaxPicRankHilbBase, only the
extreme rays of our critical cone are used to find support

CAUTION! It can happen that the extreme rays yield no integral support
polytopes. In this case the log file contains the warning

    No integral support polytopes from extreme rays

Among the candidates for support polytopes found, Support chooses
those that are minimal with respect to inclusion.

The options (with their default values)

   MaxModDiagSplit 5
   MaxDimDiagSplit 8

control the application of Payne's test for diagonal splitting. The
test is applied to the rays of the fans for odd q between 3 and
MaxModDiagSplit, and only to fans of maximal dimension

The result of the test is used as the second input parameter for
ChPoly (see below).

The input file for ChPoly has the name


where PID belongs to the calling Support process.

If you want to suppress the call of ChPoly, then change

   ChPoly true

to "false". This is useful, for example, when you want to test the
computation of nef cones.If ChPoly==false, Verbose is automatically
switched on.


The output in the subdirectory was produced by

   Support test.ufn

10. ChPoly

This program investigates the critical properties of smooth
polytopes. The polytopes (rather the cones over them) can be
specified by either

(i) support hyperplanes or

(ii) vertices.

ChPoly is called with one mandatory and two optional parameters:

   ChPoly inputfile [-nv]

The input file contains a list of polytopes that are checked

If the parameter -n is set, then the diagonal split test is
suppressed (it may be known from Support that its result will be

If the parameter -v is set, ChPoly interprets the input as vertices
of polytopes. Otherwise it assumes that the polytopes are given by
support hyperplanes (this is the case when Support calls ChPoly).

General option as usual

   Timer false

If ChPoly finds a counterexample to one of the critical
properties (normality, toric ideal generated in degree 2), then
it sends an e-mail to

   Address [email protected]

Most likely you want to replace my address by yours. To disable the
sending of e-mails, replace the address by "(empty)".

If the support polytope has multiplicity (= normalized volume)
larger than

   AbsoluteMaxMult 100000000

the nothing is done. (At the moment AbsoluteMaxMult is represented
by an int (32 bit)).

Chpoly computes a second polytope from the given one by
chiseling off faces of all potential dimensions. This second
polytope is called "cut polytope". Which of the two polytopes
(one or both) is to be investigated is controlled by the
following two options (with their default values):

   CheckSuppPoly false
   CheckCutPoly true

Of course, if CheckCutPoly is set to false, the cut polytope will
not be computed.

Whether a polytope is checked, is controlled by

   MaxVolCheck 100000   (was 1000000 in version 1.0)

Here Vol refers to the Euclidean volume.

The application of Payne's test for diagonal splitting is controlled

   MaxModDiagSplit 5
   MaxDimDiagSplit 7

as in Support. If the test has already failed in Support, then
Support calls ChPoly with the second command line parameter 0, and
the test is suppressed in ChPoly. If the test was successful in
Support, then the second parameter is 1. In this case the test will
be performed again (admittedly, it is superfluous for the support
polytope, but usually not for the cut polytope).

If the Euclidean volume does not exceed

   MaxVolNormCheck 10000

then the Hilbert basis of the cone over the polytope is computed,
thus allowing a check of normality. Otherwise only the lattice
points in the polytope are computed.

ChPoly contains 3 different tests for the degree 2 generation of the
toric ideal.

(i) Generation in degree 2 up to saturation (with respect to the
irrelevant maximal ideal). This check is rather fast and always
performed. The test also checks for the property of being
"superconnected" (to be explained elsewhere---usually this property
fails). This check is always performed.

The check is performed in two steps: first it is tested if the
natural affine patches are defined in degree 2, second we test
for abundant degree 2 equations.

ChPoly also tests "strong connectivity".

(ii) A check for the toric ideal to have no minimal generator in
degree 3 controlled by

   MaxHBDeg2Check 2000

ChPoly does the following: it finds the degree 2 elements of the
toric ideal and computes the h-vector of the residue class ring by
their ideal in degree 3. This h-vector is compared to the h-vector
of the residue class ring by the toric ideal, as computed by
Normaliz. The toric ideal has a minimal generator in degree 3 if and
only if the two h-vectors differ in degree 3.

The name of the transfer file is composed as follows:


where <argv[1]> stands for the filename with which ChPoly has been
called. To this filename the suffixes used by Normaliz are added.
After the evaluation of the Normaliz output, the transfer files are

(iii) If (ii) is not performed and the bound given by

    MaxHBConnCheck 10000

is not exceeded, a random selection of multidegrees of total degree
3 is checked for connectedness of the corresponding "squarefree
divisor complex".

Finally, each polytope investigated can be written to a depot whose
name is determined by

   NameDepotPoly ../VertSmPol

Set it to "(empty)" to disable it. The polytopes are given by their
vertices in this depot.

Chpoly tests whether the Ehrhart polynomial of the polytope
under investigation has positive coefficients.

During a single run, ChPoly creates a temporary database of
polytopes. Each polytope created will be checked whether it exists
already in the database. If so, it will be skipped. The database is
erased when ChPoly is finished.


The output in the subdirectory "ChPoly" was produced by

   ChPoly test.supp > ChPoly.log
   ChPoly test.vert -n -v > ChPolyVert.log

The "-n" in the second command suppresses the diagonal split test.

11. Triangulate

This program computes unimodular triangulations. It accepts three
types of input data:

   C --- a fulldimensional cone
   P --- a fulldimensional polytope, given by its vertices
   F --- a simplicial fan.

The second command line parameter is the capital letter indicating
the type of input. The first parameter is the name of the file
containing the input. In each case the program returns a unimodular
fan, written to a file <name>.ufn where <name> stands for the first
parameter (including suffix if it has one).

In case C a unimodular triangulation of the cone is computed.

In case P the result is a unimodular triangulation of the normal fan
of P.

In case F it is a unimodular triangulation of the fan.

Note: also for this program, the polytope has to be given in dim P
+1 coordinates, the last one always being set to 1. (If you want a
unimodular triangulation of the cone over the polytope, simply
replace P by C as the second input parameter.)


Triangulate was run as follows to produce the output in the

   Triangulate poly2.vert P
   Triangulate poly2.vert P
   Triangulate cone3.gen C
   Triangulate F

11. Databases and depots

Names of these files are formed as follows:

   <Given name>_<Dim>.base

where <Given name> is what it says and <Dim> is the relevant
dimension (dimension of the fan or dimension(polytope)+1).

12. Change log

1.0 --> 1.1

1) The format of databases for fans has been changed to a much more
space efficient one.

Version 1.1 cannot read fan databases produced by version 1.0. On
request I can send you a program that transforms such databases from
1.0 to 1.1.

2) The determination of the support hyperplanes of the nef cone has
been improved.

3) Now Support writes all support polytopes into a file, and then
calls Support only once (instead of separately for each polytope).

4) The syntax of the ChPoly command line has been improved.

5) Removal of options that have become superfluous.

1.1 -> 1.2

Addition of three tests to ChPoly.c: 1) Abundant deg 2
equations, 2) Positivity of coefficients of Ehrhart polynomial,
3) Check for strong connectivity


Numerical experiments with toroic varieties







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