1.0.0 (2022-10-21)
Bug Fixes
- π¨ remove default export (2c44d9d)
- π cursor reset to index 0 while typing (f2bf171)
- π editor steal focus when mounted (fix #25) (3c44071)
- π fix build script rollup config (69690c6)
- π fix clicking the toolbar menu is detected as blur event (43fa320)
- π fix emit arguments (18266b0)
- π fix script verifyRelease.ts (0537b0e)
- π fix semantic release config (3632568)
- π fix the editor doesn't change when it's v-model variable changes (fix #35) (b30e954)
- π fix unresolve dependencies quill-delta (8df3bfd)
- π remove unsupported workspaces (semantic-release) (10a552b)
- π use nextTick to defer execution after the DOM update circle (c6baa9b)
- π¨ fix modules handling (d3efb4d)
- add .releaserc configurations (53f9200)
- add @semantic-release/exec (cba93f8)
- add fallback github release to tags (186e025)
- add name to vueup-quill-dist release (e814f55)
- add optional chaining (965b9e2)
- add theme:build script (45314a4)
- add vue as devDependencies (1109137)
- adkfajldkfajs (9c1b403)
- assets options .releaserc (3ca2560)
- build assets sequentially (5893d61)
- build css unhandled promise (c84470d)
- change .ql-picker-label display to flex (d17f43a)
- change default export to named export (8765cb2)
- cleanup the codes (9895952)
- coba lagi dah (25bb429)
- composeOptions object creation (e161363)
- dependencies installation (3714a4c)
- distribution path (bf97b6f)
- docs: π ReferenceError: document is not defined (0d2f8ac)
- emits event arguments (03b4faf)
- ho (d0865e4)
- i don't know what to comment (4974ca4)
- include all files in the dist (693ce07)
- install dependencies before release (b576f8d)
- let's see if its do the work (640dd3d)
- load prebuild-package.json in a try/catch (ecb4a4b)
- maybe one more time (8389982)
- maybe this gonna work (053b269)
- meaningful changes (8b0ea09)
- move assets to root package directory (f641627)
- named the events arguments (c1836eb)
- new idea (e83a66a)
- npm: add vue as peer dependencies (7528d59)
- npx stylus compilation (3b7da41)
- package resolve (f8fb23f)
- paths (b1bf756)
- prepare command (181dae8)
- props.toolbar (72cddb1)
- refactor build system (6d6e589)
- release new build system (b61b6db)
- release scripts (ae00c70)
- remove exports attribute (b9409e4)
- remove git cached files (7929e69)
- remove git cached files (24f33bd)
- remove git hooks (cd38638)
- remove globalProps default value (a13d1d2)
- remove redundant & unused themes (6e2c4b3)
- remove the comment (39d4483)
- remove unused css (9afb96b)
- semantic release (1465806)
- semantic release (ce33da0)
- semantic release config path (4b6e226)
- semantic-release not build (8422c91)
- semantic-release publish cmd (9f85fa7)
- set main entry to cjs (7c3b7c9)
- simplified the code (2fdfc61)
- simplified the code (678c9e0)
- still didn't find the problem (f339bd5)
- still not working (73ff8b3)
- style (ba5870d)
- stylus command (2dc794a)
- target used before initialization (9835232)
- test build (2ba4351)
- test release (2a5013c)
- test semantic-release (334bc74)
- test semantic-release (62dc820)
- this is might the last one (b9b750c)
- try to fix error (6a4ea40)
- try to fix semantic-release/npm (3cc858a)
- unexpected token (c7821a4)
- unpkg & jsdelivr >> .prod.js (56a8bc1)
- unsused import (1d8ceb2)
- update release config (3c825c1)
- update target compilation to es2019 (bf49864)
- use typescripts (ca79061)
- what about this (e07b2c9)
- why it's not trigger the action (a7b95ac)
- zip command (4f2808b)
- zipping dist files (a8a3705)
- π add licence: MIT (68b401a)
- β¨ add pasteHTML method (63f0b3f)
- β¨ add prebuild configuration (a0c7c87)
- β¨ add props to register modules (ef3d41c)
- β¨ add support contentType html, text & delta (b07093c)
- β¨ release beta version (c3ad27f)
- add comments (4104ffe)
- add methods getEditor, getToolbar, reinit (3353dfc)
- add release.yml (86a6c61)
- add semantic-release (979ea14)
- add size-check package (ece8796)
- docs: add google analytics (74c8563)
- install stylus (d5cd97d)
- Merge branch 'beta' of https://github.com/vueup/vue-quill (bd3d25b)
- refactor build system (6c5ba40)
- test on push to beta branch (f46b1c5)
Performance Improvements
- π add disscussion link (b463bea)
- π first release @vueup/vue-quill (de7f2b7)
- π vue-quill initial release (5b1576f)
- add import Quill from quill/core (ee6f74d)
- remove install function (4137b00)
- revert back to version 1.0.0
- move npm package from @vueup/quill to @vueup/vue-quill
For new version use VueQuill istead of VueUpQuill
- first release @vueup/vue-quill
- you can't use Vue.use() to register the component, use Vue.component() instead.