Pre-releaseThis is the first Beta release of VueTouch 2.0.0
, compatible with Vue 2.*
and HammerJS 2.*
The beta release is available on npm with the next
npm install vue-touch@next
Breaking Changes
As explained in #64, we re-wrote vue-touch from the ground up as a component, which is in line with the philosophy of Vue 2.0 to do more work in components and less with custom directives, whose responsibility was reduced to low-level DOM operations.
This, of course, means a complete breaking change in the API, but the switch should be manageable.
The new interface loos like this:
<v-touch tag="a" v-on:swiperight="callback" v-bind:swipe-options="{threshold: 150}">
Swipe right to delete this
For more information, see the README in the next
New Features
The component exposes a few public methods that can be used to programmatically enable and disable some or all the recognizers.
<v-touch ref="tapper" @tap="callback"></v-touch>
export default {
methods: {
disableTap() {
enableTap() {
For more information, see the README in the next
Reporting Issues
As this is a Beta release, we would be happy if you could take it for a spin and report back any problems you come across with an issue in this repo.