A fully customizable toaster.
- register your own toast-components with the toaster
- singleton, same instance shared by all using components
npm install --save-dev vue-toaster
// [email protected]
npm install --save-dev vue-toaster@1
or include build/bundle.js
# default is to use it as a mixin
# in your component:
mixins: [
require("vue-toaster") # adds a method `toast(options)`
# or with bundle.js
doToast: ->
# this will just create a `<div class="toast">{{options.text}}</div>`
# for each toast:
toast = @toast({text:"I'm toast"})
toast.close() # to dismiss
# the returned object is identical with the options argument:
toastIn = {text:"I'm toast"}
toastOut = @toast(toastIn)
toastOut === toastIn # true
For examples see dev/
The options object will be used in the toaster and then passed down to the toast. These are used by the toaster:
Name | type | default | description |
component | String | "toast" | Name of the component to display |
timeout | Number | 2500 | time in milliseconds, when a toast will be closed automatically. The timeout will be halted on mouseenter and started again on mouseleave |
class | Vue class | ["toast"] | class of the toast element |
style | Vue Style | - | style of the toast element |
cb | Function | - | will be called on close of toast |
These are used in the default toast:
Name | type | default | description |
text | String | - | text to display |
You can provide your own toast component with the help of the global Vue instance:
Vue.component('toast2', {template: "<div v-text='options.text'></div>",props:["options"]})
You can then use it in your component:
mixins: [require("vue-toaster")],
doToast: function() {
@toast({text:"I'm toast",component:"toast2"})
You can provide a default transition like this:
// must be a transition group
// be sure to pass down the context data
Vue.component('toaster-transition', {
functional: true
render: function(h,context) {
context.data.attrs.name = "fade"
context.data.props = {css: false}
context.data.on = {
enter: ...
return h "transition-group",context.data,context.children)
using vue-mixins/transition2
now compatible with vue 2.0.0
changed way of using own transition -
toast now closes on click, can be prevented by a custom toast with@click.prevent="onClick"
added vue transition
option toclass
properly remove toaster from dom when last using component is destroyed -
added unit tests
Clone repository
npm install
npm run dev
Browse to http://localhost:8080/
Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.