My Mac Settings and includes quite a select list of apps installed automatically
My setup came from this repo, if you wanna just vim setup, feel free to clone and contribute.
Golang setup in MacOSX it's very simple, check this gist
I have some customizations on my osx enviroment. Like a time for show and hide dock e etc.
Homebrew-cask is a nice project, i've added some apps to my bootstrap setup. If you want to add more, check this: Homebrew-cask website
Ipdb and virtualenvwrapper it is included on this project.
Make sure that you already have installed xcode !
$ curl -L | sh
This will clone this repository and symlink the appropriate files in ~/dotfiles
to your home directory.
All my command-line tools and its configurations. Have fun :)
- Google Chrome
- Sublime Text
- Transmit
- dash
- robomongo
- fitbit-connect
- iTerm2
- littleipsum
- VirtualBox
- Mysql Workbench
- Vagrant
- Skype
- Spotify
- Vlc Media Player
- Cloud App
- Keka
- Caffeine
- Transmission
- Slack
- Telegram
- Razorsql
- Homebrew for MacOS X package management
- Homebrew Cask to install apps easily
- Golang Google's language
- Git for code versioning
Thanks to brandonb927 for this great hack.
- This project is a customized version of: @zenorocha old-dotfiles
MIT License © Vinicius Souza