npm install ape-status --save
var apeStatus = require("ape-status");
root: __dirname // required! should be the root path of your application OR the path on the local maschine where you want the APPINFO.json to be.
info: {...} // everything you want to end up in the APPINFO.json (can be also added during startup)
infoName: "NAME_OF_INFO.json" // default APPINFO.json
path: "/path/for/simple/health/check", // default /ape/status
pathBackends: "/path/for/backend/checks" // default /ape/status/backends,
var expressApp = require("express")();
expressApp.use(;"port", 1337);
var pool = mysql.createPool({...});
apeStatus.mysql("NAME YOUR CONNECTION", pool, "QUERY TO EXECUTE"); // query parameter is optional
apeStatus.mongoose(mongoose.connection, "NAME OF A COLLECTION TO CHECK"); // The db name will be used as the name for the status page, the colelction name is optional
apeStatus.redis(redis.client, "Name for this redis");
apeStatus.webservice("NAME YOUR WEBSERVICE", "URL TO CHECK");
/ape/status => 200 OK (no body)
MYSQL-main: {
connected: true
WEBSERVICE-googlemaps: {
available: true,
response_time: 57 // MS
MONGOOSE-main: {
connected: true