Scripts and notebooks for data wrangling from Zooniverse.
Clone the scripts, notebooks and helper code in this repo:
git clone
Install necessary dependencies with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Code was validated for Python 3.7+ only
Before getting started, this workflow assumes that you have a directory of images/flipbooks already prepared. Internally, we use scripts in the cem-dataset repository to process 2D and 3D data and create image/flipbooks ready for Zooniverse. Specifically, for creating flipbooks we use this script
After organizing images/flipbooks into a single directory, our workflow is:
1. (Optional) Anonymize names
Dataset names sometimes have sensitive information like PI or collaborator
name. The
script replaces those details with
a random alphanumeric string. A lookup table for old and new dataset names
are saved in a .csv file.
python ../zooniverse_tools/ flipbooks/
2. Prepare images/flipbooks for upload to Zooniverse
For grayscale images use the
script or for flipbooks use
. These scripts (a) resize all images/flipbooks to a fixed
square size large enough to be easily viewable in the Zooniverse web interface (b)
optionally, normalize the intensity of images for improved contrast, and (c) save
images as jpg or flipbooks as a sequence of jpgs.
python ../zooniverse_tools/ flipbooks/ images/ --size 512 --contrast
3. Upload the images to Zooniverse
Use the upload_images.ipynb
notebook to upload to a Zooniverse
subject set. Fill in the required fields in the first code cell and
then run cells sequentially. The result will be a Zooniverse subject
set with the prepared images/flipbooks uploaded and ready for annotation.
4. Download the annotations
Login to Zooniverse and perform a classification export, see here.
5. Create stacks of images and consensus segmentations for proofreading
Assuming the primary Zooniverse task was instance segmentation by drawing polygons and
there was a secondary task to rate annotation confidence, use the
script. This is the most important script in the workflow. It takes the polygons,
converts them to instance segmentations, and then creates a consensus instance segmentation
from multiple independent annotations. The output from this script is (a) stack of images/flipbooks
in a single .tif file (b) stack of consensus segmentation images/flipbooks in a matching .tif file (c)
a consensus_attributes.csv file that stores info about image name, shape, annotation consensus strength,
median confidence score, etc. The stacks will be 4D (N, L, H, W) for flipbooks and 3D (N, H, W)
for regular grayscale images.
python ../zooniverse-tools/ flipbook-classifications.csv \
flipbooks/ unproofed/ --size 512 --flipbook-n 5
6. (Optional) Split the stacks into smaller chunks
Zooniverse subject sets ideally contain 500-1000 images. The proofreading of these
large stacks can be distributed and shared between within a group by splitting
into manageable chunks. Use the
script for this. It takes in
the 3 output files from
and breaks them into
python ../zooniverse-tools/ unproofed/flipbook_image.tif \
unproofed/flipbook_cs_masks.tif unproofed/flipbook_consensus_attributes.csv \
unproofed_chunks/ --cs 50
7. Proofread the consensus segmentations
Use napari to view and proofread image/flipbook segmentations. (Reminder: only the middle slice or each flipbook includes an annotation). The proofreading tools provided by empanada-napari are highly recommended.
8. (Optional) Concatenate corrected segmentation chunks into a single file
This only applies if step 6 was completed. Since only segmentations are
modified during proofreading, the
script only applies
to labelmap chunks. It assumes that all proofread chunks are stored in the same directory
with a particular substring that can be used to identify/distinguish them from
other files.
python ../zooniverse-tools/ proofed/ masks
9. Save images and segmentations to directories
The final step is to split the image and segmentation stacks
into individual tiff images that can be used for training
deep learning models (i.e., with empanada). The
script takes in the image stack and consensus_attributes.csv generated
in step 5 and the proofread segmentation stack created in step 7 or 8. The output is the following
directory structure:
│ │
│ └───images
│ │ │ image1.tiff
│ │ │ image2.tiff
│ │ │ ...
│ │
│ └───masks
│ │ │ image1.tiff
│ │ │ image2.tiff
│ │ │ ...
│ │
│ └───images
│ │ │ image1.tiff
│ │ │ image2.tiff
│ │ │ ...
│ │
│ └───masks
│ │ │ image1.tiff
│ │ │ image2.tiff
│ │ │ ...
python ../zooniverse-tools/ proofed/flipbook_image.tif \
proofed/flipbook_proofed_masks.tif proofed/flipbook_consensus_attributes.csv \
NOTE: If the directory training_data already exists, the segmentations will simply be added into the existing structure with datasets remaining correctly grouped.
The data_analyis.ipynb
notebook enables visualization of individual user-created annotations along with the generated consensus. This kind of analysis can be useful to identify users who are struggling to create accurate annotations or to identify images that are difficult to annotate and may require follow up.