Anagnorisis - is a local recommendation system that allows you to fine-tune models on your data to predict your data preferences. You can feed it as much of your personal data as you like and not be afraid of it leaking as all of it is stored and processed locally on your own computer.
The project uses Flask libraries for backend and Bulma as frontend CSS framework. For all ML-related stuff Transformers and PyTorch are used. This is the main technological stack, however there are more libraries used for specific purposes.
To read more about the ideas behind the project you can read these articles:
Anagnorisis. Part 1: A Vision for Better Information Management.
Anagnorisis. Part 2: The Music Recommendation Algorithm.
Anagnorisis. Part 3: Why Should You Go Local?
Notice that the project has only been tested on Ubuntu 22.04, there is no guarantee that it will work on any other platforms.
Recreate the Environment with following commands:
# For Linux
python3 -m venv .env # recreate the virtual environment
source .env/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # install the required packages
# For Windows
python -m venv .env # recreate the virtual environment
.env\Scripts\activate # activate the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # install the required packages
Initialize your database with this command:
flask --app app init-db
This should create a new 'instance/project.db' file, that will store your preferences, that will be used later to fine-tune evaluation models.
Then run the project with command:
# For Linux
# For Windows
The project should be up and running on
To make audio and visual search possible the project uses the models that are based on these works:
First of all make sure you have git-lfs installed (
Then go to 'models' folder with
cd models
Music embedder: laion/clap-htsat-fused
git clone
Note that not all files from the repository are necessary. If you like, you can download only the files that are needed by hand and place them in the 'models/clap-htsat-fused' folder. Here is the list of files that are necessary:
Image embedder: google/siglip-base-patch16-224
git clone
Same thing here, not all files are necessary. Here is the list of files that are essential:
Here is the main pipeline of working with the project:
- You rate some data such as text, audio, images, video or anything else on the scale from 0 to 10 and all of this is stored in the project database.
- When you acquire some amount of such rated data points you go to the 'Train' page and start the fine-tuning of the model so it could rate the data AS IF it was rated by you.
- New model is used to sort new data by rates from the model and if you do not agree with the scores the model gave, you simply change it.
You repeat these steps again and again, getting each time model that better and better aligns to your preferences.
Please watch this video to see presentation of 'Images' page usage:
Or you can read the guide at the Images wiki page.
Go to the music library tab and press the "Update music library" button to index your music into the data-base.
Enjoy your music and rate it according to your preferences. All unrated songs would be chosen randomly while already rated ones will be chosen less or more often accordingly.
After gathering some data go to "Train" page and press "Train music evaluator" to train your preference model. Wait till the process is complete.
Now you can come back to enjoying your music, but this time, when the music is selected it will be rated by the model (in case it was not rated by the user already) and therefore adjust the probability of it occurring in your playlist. If you want, you can also go back to the library tab and update music library again, that will effectively rate every song the model can in your library, although be ready that it may take some time.
Notice, that only *.mp3 format could be rated by the model automatically for now.
To see how the algorithm works in details, please read this wiki page: Music
The project has its own wiki that is integrated into the project itself, you might access it by running the project, or simply reading it as markdown files.
Here is some pages that might be interesting for you:
Change history
For easier development and information access, the project includes an
script located in the project_info
folder. This script allows you to ask questions about the project's codebase using Google's "gemini-2.0-flash-exp" model.
, the project's source code and any current changes are sent to Google's servers for processing. Do not include any personal or sensitive information in the project's folders and files or in the questions you ask.
To use
, follow these steps:
- Set your Google Gemini API key as an environment variable:
export GEMINI_API_KEY="your-api-key"
- Run the script from the
directory:cd project_info python
In memory of Josh Greenberg - one of the creators of Grooveshark. Long gone music service that had the best music recommendation system I've ever seen.