Toggle the outputs of the HM-LC-Sw4-Ba-PCB w/ external Switches using an Arduino as interface
The HM-LC-Sw4-Ba-PCB is a 4 channel actuator for the Homematic system made by eq-3.
The Arduino monitors up to 7 switches (S1 to S7) on pins 2 to 5 and 10 to 12. The switches pull the pins to GND or leave them floating, which brings them to VCC through the internal pull-up resistors. Output pins 6 to 9 are floating and will be pulled to GND for approximately 100 milliseconds once a change in state of one of the corresponding switches is detected, thus simulation a short keypress on the HM-LC-Sw4-Ba-PCB. After a change in state has been detected, all actions on the corresponding output will be blocked for approximately 250 milliseconds.
- Change in state of S1 (on pin 2) or S5 (on pin 10) toggles output 1 (on pin 6)
- Change in state of S2 (on pin 3) or S6 (on pin 11) toggles output 2 (on pin 7)
- Change in state of S3 (on pin 4) or S7 (on pin 12) toggles output 3 (on pin 8)
- Change in state of S4 (on pin 5) toggles output 4 (on pin 9)
- Each switch / output is optional
Please see "/Schematics/wiring.sch" or "/Schematics/wiring.png" for a wiring diagram.