Frontend starter kit for react development.
Stack of main technologies of project.
Dependencies of project.
- React: Lib for building reactive user interfaces.
- Redux: Lib for internal state management
- Apollo: Lib for data fetching with GraphQL APIs
- React Intl: Lib form internacionalization and static textual content.
- React Router: create and management routes.
- Ramda: lib with set of functions for Functional Programing.
- Material Ui: Framework for UI definitions.
Dev Dependencies to write tests or mainteining the code quality.
- Jest: Framework for suite unity tests.
- Enzyme: Lib for Wrap and interact with components in unit tests.
- Sinon: Lib for mocks, stubs and spies in tests.
- ESLint: Framework for check code format and create rules.
- Prettier: Code Format for JS, JSON and GRAPHQL.
- Style Lint: Code format Rules for CSS.
For start with this project you only need the NodeJS and npm installed in your environment.
If you want a npm alternative, use Yarn.
This project make requests to Stats-API, locally, clone and run this project.
This projec use CRA for basic configuration.
# installing
$ npm install
# or
$ yarn
# Start the Development Server
$ npm start
# or
$ yarn start
# Start the Suite Tests
$ npm test
# or
$ yarn test
# Deploy your application
$ npm deploy
# or
$ yarn deploy
# Check your JS code format
$ npm run lint:js
# or
$ yarn run lint:js
# Run Commitzen for commit your code with Message Pattern
$ npm run commit
# or
$ yarn run commit
For more information about development process see CONTRIBUTING.