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Agnostic and responsive notifications javascript module

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With a bundler like webpack:

import 'js-toaster/jsToaster.css'
import { jsToaster } from 'js-toaster';

You can import sources too from

<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/jsToaster.css">
<script type="module">
  import { jsToaster } from '[email protected]/jsToaster.min.js';


Send Notification

You can just send a notification with a text (the toast will be sent with the default or override configuration)...

const id = jsToaster.toast('My notification text');

...or passing as a parameter a complete toast object

const id = jsToaster.toast({
  message: 'My notification text',
  title: 'My notification title',
  link: string | boolean //URL or boolean
  displayTime: 20, //seconds. 0 if there is no end
  dark: true | false, //Toast dark mode
  position: 'topLeft' | 'topRight' | 'bottomRight' | 'bottomLeft',
  type: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger' //Define the color of the toast

Important note: Only the message is required. The title and link can be empty. Other properties are optional and take as value those of the configuration.

About the link property:

  • A URL generates a redirection on clicking the toast.
  • A true value triggers a click event (see below) on clicking the toast. The toast is closed after the click.

jsToaster.toast function returns a toast identifier. This id is a number and is a useful reference when clicking on a toast.


You can override default toaster configuration

jsToaster.conf = {
  displayTime: 20, //DEFAULT 20 - seconds. 0 if there is no end
  dark: true | false, //DEFAULT false - Toast dark mode
  position: 'topLeft' | 'topRight' | 'bottomRight' | 'bottomLeft', //DEFAULT 'topRight'
  type: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger', //DEFAULT 'info' - Define the color of the toast
  marginTop: 0, //DEFAULT 0 - Allows you to define a top margin for toasts displayed in 'topLeft' and 'topRight' positions
  marginBottom: 0, //DEFAULT 0 - Allows you to define a bottom margin for toasts displayed in 'bottomLeft' and 'bottomRight' positions
  mobilePosition: 'top' | 'bottom', //DEFAULT 'bottom' - On mobile devices, all toasts are stacked at the top or bottom
  mobileMargin: undefined, //DEFAULT `undefined` - Define the top or bottom margin on mobile devices 

note: all properties are optional.

About the mobileMargin property:

It overrides the default marginTop or marginBottom values on mobile devices.

mobileMargin mobilePosition css margin-top css margin-bottom
undefined top marginTop 0
undefined bottom 0 marginBottom
number top mobileMargin 0
number bottom 0 mobileMargin

Click events

If you define a true value for the link property of a toast, a click on this one triggers a click event.

These events can be captured using the function jsToaster.onClickToast to register handlers with toast id as parameter.

jsToaster.onClickToast((id) => {
  console.log('TOAST CLICKED', id);

Close events

A toast closed or hidden triggers a close event.

These events can be captured using the function jsToaster.onCloseToast to register handlers with toast id as parameter.

jsToaster.onCloseToast((id) => {
  console.log('TOAST CLOSED', id);