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Merge pull request #186 from vmware/hrosenbe/WEAT-334-check-storage-c…
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Check provisioning of PVs in storage classes
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hrosenbe authored Jul 10, 2020
2 parents d584aec + 4b90f59 commit 999fbe8
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 13 deletions.
168 changes: 155 additions & 13 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package Weathervane;
my $tmpDir = '';
my $backgroundScript = '';
my $mapSsh = '';
my $skipPvTest = '';
my $fixedConfigsFile = "";
my $scriptPeriodSec = 60;
my $help = '';
Expand All @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ package Weathervane;
'fixedConfigsFile=s' => \$fixedConfigsFile,
'scriptPeriod=i' => \$scriptPeriodSec,
'mapSsh!' => \$mapSsh,
'skipPvTest!' => \$skipPvTest,
'help!' => \$help,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,6 +89,9 @@ sub usage {
print " from another script. Only needs to be specified on the first run in a given directory.\n";
print " default value: None. If no value is specified the user is prompted to accept the\n";
print " license terms.\n";
print "--skipPvTest: Causes the scipt to skip testing whether Weathervane can dynamically allocate \n";
print " persistant volumes in the storage classes defined in the configuration file.\n";
print " default value: False";
print "--help: Displays this text.\n";
print "\n";
print "To pass command-line parameters to the Weathervane run harness, enter them following two dashes\n";
Expand All @@ -98,20 +103,86 @@ sub parseConfigFile {
my ($configFileName) = @_;

# Read in the config file
open( CONFIGFILE, "<$configFileName" ) or die "Couldn't open configuration file $configFileName: $!\n";
open( my $configFile, "<$configFileName" ) or die "Couldn't open configuration file $configFileName: $!\n";

my @k8sConfigFiles;
my %clusterNameToKubeconfig;
my $dockerNamespace;
while (<CONFIGFILE>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\s*"kubeconfigFile"\s*\:\s*"(.*)"\s*,/) {
if ((! -e $1) || (! -f $1)) {
print "The kubeconfigFile $1 must exist and be a regular file.\n";
exit 1;
my $topLevelAppInstanceCluster = "";
my %topLevelStorageClassNames;
# Parsing the config file manually to avoid requiring the JSON package
while (<$configFile>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\s*#/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*"kubernetesClusters"\s*\:\s*\[/) {
# Fill out a hash with clustername -> [kubeconfig, context])
while (<$configFile>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\s*#/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*{/) {
my $name = "";
my $kubeconfigFileName = "~/.kube/config";
my $kubeconfigContext = "";
while (<$configFile>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\s*#/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*"kubeconfigFile"\s*\:\s*"(.*)"\s*,/) {
$kubeconfigFileName = $1;
if ((! -e $kubeconfigFileName) || (! -f $kubeconfigFileName)) {
print "The kubeconfigFile $kubeconfigFileName must exist and be a regular file.\n";
exit 1;
if (!($kubeconfigFileName ~~ @k8sConfigFiles)) {
push(@k8sConfigFiles, $kubeconfigFileName);
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*"kubeconfigContext"\s*\:\s*"(.*)"\s*,/) {
$kubeconfigContext = $1;
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*"name"\s*\:\s*"(.*)"\s*,/) {
$name = $1;
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*\}/) {
$clusterNameToKubeconfig{$name} = [$kubeconfigFileName, $kubeconfigContext];
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*\]/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*"workloads"\s*\:\s*\[/) {
# Don't parse inside workloads
my $numOpenBrackets = 1;
while (<$configFile>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\s*#/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /\[/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /\]/) {
if ($numOpenBrackets == 0) {
if (!($1 ~~ @k8sConfigFiles)) {
push(@k8sConfigFiles, $1);
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*"appInstances"\s*\:\s*\[/) {
# Don't parse inside appInstances
my $numOpenBrackets = 1;
while (<$configFile>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\s*#/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /\[/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /\]/) {
if ($numOpenBrackets == 0) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /StorageClass"\s*\:\s*"(.*)"\s*,/) {
$topLevelStorageClassNames{$1} = 1;
} elsif ($_ =~ /appInstanceCluster"\s*\:\s*"(.*)"\s*,/) {
$topLevelAppInstanceCluster = $1;
} elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*"dockerNamespace"\s*\:\s*"(.*)"\s*,/) {
$dockerNamespace = $1;
} elsif ($_ =~ /useLoadBalancer/) {
Expand All @@ -121,19 +192,84 @@ sub parseConfigFile {
close $configFile;

if (!$dockerNamespace) {
print "You must specify the dockerNamespace parameter in configuration file $configFileName.\n";
exit 1;

my @return = (\@k8sConfigFiles, $dockerNamespace);

my %clusterToStorageClassNames;
if ($topLevelAppInstanceCluster) {
$clusterToStorageClassNames{$topLevelAppInstanceCluster} = \%topLevelStorageClassNames;

my @return = (\@k8sConfigFiles, $dockerNamespace, \%clusterNameToKubeconfig, \%clusterToStorageClassNames);

return \@return;

sub checkStorageClasses {
my ($clusterNameToKubeconfigRef, $clusterToStorageClassNamesRef) = @_;

my $pvcYamlString = <<"END";
\\\"kind\\\": \\\"PersistentVolumeClaim\\\",
\\\"apiVersion\\\": \\\"v1\\\",
\\\"metadata\\\": {
\\\"name\\\": \\\"weathervane-test-claim\\\",
\\\"annotations\\\": {
\\\"\\\": \\\"storageClassNameHere\\\"
\\\"spec\\\": {
\\\"accessModes\\\": [
\\\"resources\\\": {
\\\"requests\\\": {
\\\"storage\\\": \\\"1Mi\\\"

foreach my $clusterName (keys $clusterToStorageClassNamesRef) {
my $kubeconfigFileName = $clusterNameToKubeconfigRef->{$clusterName}->[0];
my $kubeconfigContext = $clusterNameToKubeconfigRef->{$clusterName}->[1];
foreach my $storageClassName (keys %{$clusterToStorageClassNamesRef->{$clusterName}}) {
# Delete any old PVC with name weathervane-test-claim
my $out = `kubectl --kubeconfig=$kubeconfigFileName --context=$kubeconfigContext delete pvc weathervane-test-claim 2>&1`;

# Create a PVC
my $pvcYamlStringCopy = $pvcYamlString;
$pvcYamlStringCopy =~ s/storageClassNameHere/$storageClassName/;
$out = `echo "$pvcYamlStringCopy" | kubectl --kubeconfig=$kubeconfigFileName --context=$kubeconfigContext apply -f -`;

# Check 5 times for the status to equal Bound and exit if not sucessful
my $retries = 5;
my $status;
do {
$status = `kubectl --kubeconfig=$kubeconfigFileName --context=$kubeconfigContext get pvc weathervane-test-claim -o=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'`;
if ($status ne "Bound") {
if ($retries == 0) {
$out = `kubectl --kubeconfig=$kubeconfigFileName --context=$kubeconfigContext delete pvc weathervane-test-claim 2>&1`;
die "Weathervane is unable to create a persistant volume using storage class $storageClassName in kubernetesCluster $clusterName.\n" .
"Check the configuration of your cluster to ensure that the storage class exists and can provision persistent volumes.\n";
sleep 5;
} while (($status ne "Bound") && ($retries > 0));

# Delete the PVC
$out = `kubectl --kubeconfig=$kubeconfigFileName --context=$kubeconfigContext delete pvc weathervane-test-claim 2>&1`;
sub parseKubeconfigFile {
my ($configFileName) = @_;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,6 +449,12 @@ sub forceLicenseAccept {
my $retRef = parseConfigFile($configFile);
my $k8sConfigFilesRef = $retRef->[0];
my $dockerNamespace = $retRef->[1];
my $clusterNameToKubeconfigRef = $retRef->[2];
my $clusterToStorageClassNamesRef = $retRef->[3];

if (!$skipPvTest) {
checkStorageClasses($clusterNameToKubeconfigRef, $clusterToStorageClassNamesRef);

my $k8sConfigMountString = "";
foreach my $k8sConfig (@$k8sConfigFilesRef) {
Expand Down

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