sudo chmod +x $HOME/monitoring/
nohup ./ > pop_monitor.log 2>&1 &
Create the systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/pop-update.service:
[Unit] Description=Pop Auto-Update Service
[Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=$HOME/monitoring/ User=root
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Create the systemd timer file /etc/systemd/system/pop-update.timer:
[Unit] Description=Runs Pop Auto-Update Periodically
[Timer] OnBootSec=5m OnUnitActiveSec=30m Persistent=true
sudo systemctl enable --now pop-update.timer
How It Works
✅ Checks for updates every 30 minutes (OnUnitActiveSec=30m). ✅ Runs once 5 minutes after boot (OnBootSec=5m). ✅ Stops, downloads, updates, and restarts pop when an update is found. ✅ Uses systemd instead of a background script.