This container image is built automatically on repository push.
If you want to build this image yourself follow this steps:
- Install Docker or Podman container engine
this repository andcd
into the cloned directory- Run one of:
<docker/podman> build -t <replace_me> .
<docker/podman> build --build-arg=BASE_TAG=<replace_me> -t <replace_me> .
if you want to build a specific release
- After the build is successful you can view the image with
<docker/podman> images
To use the repository image:
- Install Docker or Podman container engine
- Pull this image from Docker Hub:
<docker/podman> pull docker.io/vladvetu/<replace_me>
- Run a container from the pulled image:
- With systemd:
<docker/podman> run --detach --privileged --volume=/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro docker.io/vladvetu/<replace_me>:latest
or use a specific image - Without systemd:
<docker/podman> run --tty --interactive docker.io/vladvetu/<replace_me>:latest bash
or use a specific image
- With systemd:
Note: To be able to run systemd inside containers at the date of writing this you need to user
cgroupVersion: v1
. If you havecgroupVersion: v2
the container will start but anysystemctl
command will return an error.
- Check CGroup Version
<docker/podman> info | grep -i cgroup
- If version is
then you have to append to your kernel parametersystemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0
. Please check your bootloader documentation on how to pass this parameter.- Reboot your system and try again to use the image
Important Note: Running containers with
in PRODUCTION should be AVOIDED at any cost. The above examples are for testing purpose ONLY on a isolated environment. Use it at your own risk.