This repository contains the solutions for the assignments from the 'Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies' course (ECE579) taken at Worcester Polytechnic Institute - WPI in the Spring 2020.
This repository contains 3 projects, namely:
- Scrooge Coin - this project is aimed to create Scroogecoin, a blockchain based cryptocurrency.
- Proof of Work - this project implements the Proof of Work (PoW) functionality for a given blockchain application. The implementation adjusts the difficulty of the PoW to match a given time interval, for instance, if the time interval is given as 5 seconds, the creation of a new block should be around 5 seconds.
- Smart Contracts - this project implements an auction application using Ethereum Smart Contracts.
Projects 1 and 2 are coded in Python and designed as Jupyter notebooks. Also, .py files are available for these projects.
Project 3 is written in Solidity. The code was deployed and tested on Remix website [].
More details on the projects are contained in the description files located in the corresponding subfolders.
Prof. Yarkin Doroz ([email protected]) for teaching the course, as well as for the tasks' formulation, and valuable discussions on the topic.
The files were published with the permission of Prof. Doroz.