Download latest release from and add it to PATH
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/duplicacy && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/duplicacy
wget -O /usr/local/bin/duplicacy && chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/duplicacy
# Requires Administrator rights
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\Windows\System32\duplicacy.exe"
Pick the desired location for the .duplicacy folder, this will be your repository root. Defaults to your user's home. When you initialize the repository, it will ask for the encryption password and the path to the RSA key used by SFTP.
duplicacy init -encrypt MyID sftp://[email protected]//path/to/backup/storage
By default Duplicacy will follow the first-level symlinks (those under the root of the repository). Symlinks located under any subdirectories of the repository will be backed up as symlinks and will not be followed.
For example, on Windows:
mkdir C:\backup
cd C:\backup
cmd /c mklink /D myname C:\Users\myname
cmd /c mklink /D docs D:\DOCs
duplicacy set -storage default -key password -value 'MyPassword'
duplicacy set -storage default -key ssh_key_file -value '/path/to/.ssh/duplicacy_rsa'
Place the appropriate filters file inside the .duplicacy
wget -O ~/.duplicacy/filters
For Windows
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\backup\.duplicacy\filters"
duplicacy -log backup -stats -vss
Download the OSX/Linux backup script
, add it to PATH and make it executable
wget -O /usr/local/bin/vbackup
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/vbackup
Use a dotenv file for secrets and other settings
tee ~/.duplicacy/.env << CONFIG
chmod 600 ~/.duplicacy/.env
Update the paths and settings in the sample .plist launch script below, copy it to ~/Library/LaunchAgents and load it (-w enables it at the next boot)
# Install launch agent
tee ~/Library/LaunchAgents/duplicacy.plist << 'EOF'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
# Load/Unload agent
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/duplicacy.plist
Restart with
launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/duplicacy.plist && launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/duplicacy.plist
Download the OSX/Linux backup script
, add it to PATH and make it executable
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/vbackup
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/vbackup
Use a dotenv file for secrets and other settings
tee ~/.duplicacy/.env << CONFIG
chmod 600 ~/.duplicacy/.env
Use SystemD timers to trigger the backup service
tee ~/.config/systemd/user/vbackup.service << 'EOF'
Description=Run VBackup
tee /home/vlad/.config/systemd/user/vbackup.timer << 'EOF'
Description=Run VBackup
systemctl --user --now enable vbackup.timer
systemctl --user list-timers --all
Alternatively, create a cronjob to run the script as your user, at some interval
sudo tee /etc/cron.d/vbackup << CONFIG
10 * * * * vlad /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Download the Windows backup script vbackup.ps1
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\backup\vbackup.ps1"
Import the sample xml below into the Task Scheduler to run the powershell script at some interval with elevated privileges. Modify as needed!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.3" xmlns="">
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">
<Arguments>-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\backup\vbackup.ps1" -Verb RunAs; quit</Arguments>
Manually trigger scheduled task
Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName "DuplicacyBackup"
Create a folder to restore files
mkdir -p /tmp/restore
cd /tmp/restore
Initialize with THE SAME ID AND PASSWORD as the one in the storage
duplicacy init -encrypt MyID sftp://[email protected]//path/to/backup/storage
Restore the wanted path from the wanted revision
duplicacy -log restore -r 604 -stats 'Dropbox/Projects/*'
Look for files, use the list command and grep
duplicacy list -r 12 -files | grep pattern
duplicacy list -r 1-100 -files | grep pattern
For Windows
duplicacy list -r 12 -files | Select-String -Pattern myFile
duplicacy list -r 1-100 -files | Select-String -Pattern myFile
# With B2 configured in preferences, copy from B2 to default, with bit-identical and set the id and path
duplicacy add -e -copy B2 -bit-identical default MyID /path/to/backup/storage
Make sure no other backups are running and delete the corrupted snapshot
duplicacy check -a -tabular # Check all snapshots (this is better than individual id checks, because of deduplication, when the corrupted chunks could belong to different IDs)
duplicacy check -tabular -id VDev -r 1510-1520 # OR check a range of snapshots
duplicacy check -tabular -storage B2 -id VDev -r 1510-1520 # OR check a range of snapshots for a single ID on a remote storage
duplicacy prune -exhaustive -exclusive -id VDev -r 1515 # Remove the corrupted snapshot
# IF `duplicacy check -a -tabular` fails with:
# All chunks referenced by snapshot VDev at revision 5114 exist
# Chunk cc86bc8351524fa2d17f65abd38b8609489a20410370965291de881b21b15226 can't be found
# Go and delete the `snapshots/VDev/5115` file
# Then run `duplicacy prune -exhaustive -exclusive`
sudo tee /etc/newsyslog.d/duplicacy.conf << CONFIG
# logfilename [owner:group] mode count size when flags [/pid_file] [sig_num]
/Users/vlad/.duplicacy/logs/backup.log vlad:staff 644 10 1000 * NJ
sudo tee /etc/logrotate.d/duplicacy << CONFIG
/home/vlad/.duplicacy/logs/backup.log {
rotate 14
create 644 vlad vlad
This script needs Full Disk Access so we need to add /usr/local/bin/bash
to Security & Privacy - Privacy - Full Disk Access (Use CMD+SHIFT+. to show hidden files in the Open file dialog).
The .plist file should run with ProgramArguments, bash
being the first one (or environment variables).
tail -f ~/.duplicacy/logs/backup.log
grep -A 1 -e 'INFO BACKUP_END' ~/.duplicacy/logs/backup.log
Get-Content C:\backup\.duplicacy\logs\backup.log -Tail 20 -Wait
# All
Get-Content C:\backup\.duplicacy\logs\backup.log | Select-String -Pattern 'INFO BACKUP_END' -Context 0,1
# In the last 1000 lines
Get-Content C:\backup\.duplicacy\logs\backup.log -Tail 1000 | Select-String -Pattern 'INFO BACKUP_END' -Context 0,1
In Windows 10, the credentials need to include the workgroup (ex: WORKGROUP\myname)
net use Z: \\\PathToBackup /savecred /persistent:yes
Create a duplicate encrypted storage on Backblaze B2
duplicacy add -encrypt -copy default -bit-identical B2 MyID b2://vladgh
Add keys and passwords to preferences
duplicacy set -storage default -key password -value 'mypwd'
duplicacy set -storage B2 -key b2_id -value 'xxxxx'
duplicacy set -storage B2 -key b2_key -value 'xxxxx'
duplicacy set -storage B2 -key password -value 'mypwd'
Copy all snapshots to the new storage
duplicacy -log copy -to B2 -threads 10
Prune (run only from the NAS for both storages)
duplicacy -log prune -all -keep 0:1825 -keep 30:180 -keep 7:30 -keep 1:7
duplicacy -log prune -all -keep 0:1825 -keep 30:180 -keep 7:30 -keep 1:7 -storage B2
Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines and the code of conduct.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file.