Ansible collection that holds roles, that can be used to configure common system services.
Install it with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:
ansible-galaxy collection install vladgh.system --upgrade
You can also include it in a requirements.yml
file and install it via ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
, using the format:
- name: vladgh.system
Using the GitHub repository and branch
- name:
version: main
type: git
Install the requirements for playbooks
ansible-galaxy install --verbose --force --role-file ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/vladgh/system/requirements.yml
- name: Common
hosts: all
become: true
- name: Include common role
name: vladgh.system.common
Before using the playbooks, install the required external roles and collections (modify to your own collections installation path)
ansible-galaxy install --verbose --force --role-file ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/vladgh/system/collection-requirements.yml`
Import playbooks
- import_playbook: vladgh.system.ansible
See Ansible using collections in a playbook for more details.
This repository keeps a change log using GitHub's releases functionality.
Releases are based on Semantic Versioning, and use the format
. The version will be incremented
based on the following:
: Incompatible or major changesMINOR
: Backwards-compatible new features and enhancementsPATCH
: Backwards-compatible bugfixes and package updates
Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines and the code of conduct.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file.