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A web-based slot machine game integrated with short-form video content

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🎰 SlotTok

A web-based slot machine game integrated with short-form video content. This prototype combines the excitement of slot machines with algorithmic short-form content feeds.


  • 🎰 Slot machine gameplay with animations and win detection
  • 📱 Mobile-first, responsive design
  • 🎥 Vertical video feed with smooth scrolling
  • 💫 Power-up system with multipliers
  • 🎮 Game state management with win history

Tech Stack

  • React + TypeScript
  • Vite
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Framer Motion
  • React Query
  • Pexels API for video content

Project Structure

├── components/       # UI Components
│   ├── common/       # Shared components
│   ├── game/         # Game-specific components
│   ├── layout/       # Layout components
│   └── video/        # Video player components
├── hooks/            # Custom hooks
│   ├── game/         # Game-related hooks
│   └── video/        # Video-related hooks
├── utils/            # Utility functions
│   ├── errors/       # Error handling
│   └── game/         # Game logic
├── services/         # API services
├── types/            # TypeScript types
└── globals.css       # Global styles

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v18 or higher)
  • pnpm


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd slot-tok
  1. Install dependencies:
pnpm install
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory:
  1. Start the development server:
pnpm dev

Available Scripts

  • pnpm dev - Start development server
  • pnpm build - Build for production
  • pnpm preview - Preview production build
  • pnpm lint - Run ESLint
  • pnpm typecheck - Run TypeScript type checking


flowchart TD
    %% Architecture Diagram
    subgraph Architecture [Architecture Diagram]
        A1["User Browser (Desktop/Mobile)"]
        A2["React Frontend (Vercel, Node.js + TypeScript)"]
        A3["Slot Machine Component"]
        A4["Video Feed Component"]
        A5["Slot & Video Synchronization Logic"]
        A6["Backend API (AWS)"]
        A1 --> A2
        A2 --> A3
        A2 --> A4
        A3 --> A5
        A4 --> A5
        A5 --> A6

    %% Services Diagram
    subgraph Services [Services Diagram]
        S2["Slot Machine"]
        S3["Video Feed"]
        S4["Backend API"]
        S1 --> S2
        S2 --> S2a["Start slot spin animation"]
        S2 --> S3["Trigger advanceToNextVideo()"]
        S3 --> S3a["Advance video index"]
        S3 --> S4["Fetch new videos if needed"]
        S4 --> S3b["Return video data"]
        S3 --> S1b["Display next video"]
        S2 --> S2b["Evaluate spin result and update credits/wins"]

    %% Logic Diagram
    subgraph Logic [Logic Diagram]
        L1["User clicks Spin Button"]
        L2{"Are credits sufficient and not already spinning?"}
        L3["Show error message"]
        L4["Start spin animation (2s delay)"]
        L5["Dispatch USE_CREDITS & INCREMENT_SPINS"]
        L6["Call videoFeed.advanceToNextVideo()"]
        L7["Advance video index and fetch new videos if needed"]
        L8["Generate slot spin result"]
        L9{"Is it a win?"}
        L10["Dispatch ADD_CREDITS, INCREMENT_WINS,<br/>update win history"]
        L11["No additional credit update"]
        L12["Spin complete"]

        L1 --> L2
        L2 -- No --> L3
        L2 -- Yes --> L4
        L4 --> L5
        L5 --> L6
        L6 --> L7
        L7 --> L8
        L8 --> L9
        L9 -- Yes --> L10
        L9 -- No --> L11
        L10 --> L12
        L11 --> L12


A web-based slot machine game integrated with short-form video content



