Ripe is a minimal security tool. It consists of command-line tool and C++ API for cryptography.
Ripe contains encryption API for two major cryptography methods, RSA and AES (Rijndael). Also contains Base64 encoding/decoding API and some helper functions to make data transferable (called prepareData
). Binaries do not depend on third-party tools or libraries but development will require cryptography libraries installed in system in order to compile.
It is fully compatible with OpenSSL. See interoperability.sh
Option Name | Description |
--version |
Display version information |
-g |
Generate key |
-e |
Encrypt the data |
-d |
Decrypt the data |
-s |
Sign the data |
-v |
Verify the signed data |
--aes |
Generate AES key (requires -g ) |
--key |
Symmetric key for encryption / decryption |
--in-key |
Symmetric key for encryption / decryption file path |
--iv |
Initializaion vector |
--rsa |
Use RSA encryption/decryption |
--zlib |
ZLib compression/decompression |
--raw |
Raw output for rsa encrypted data |
--base64 |
Tells ripe the data needs to be decoded before decryption (this can be used for decoding base64) |
--hex |
Tells ripe the data is hex string |
--clean |
(Only applicable when --base64 data provided) Tells ripe to clean the data before processing |
--signature |
Signature for verifying the data |
--in |
Input file. You can also pipe in the data. In that case you do not have to provide this parameter |
--out |
Tells ripe to store encrypted data in specified file. (Outputs IV in console) |
--length |
Specify key length |
--secret |
Secret key for encrypted private key (RSA only) |
--sha256 |
Generate SHA-256 hash |
--hash |
Generate SHA-256 hash |
--sha512 |
Generate SHA-512 hash |
These are the requirements to build Ripe binaries.
- C++98
- Crypto++ v5.6.5+ with Pem Pack
- cmake v2.8.12+
- zlib-devel
You can either download code from master branch or clone it using git
git clone [email protected]:amrayn/ripe.git
Residue uses the CMake toolchains to create makefiles. Steps to build Ripe:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
## Following line requires c++11 compiler and easylogging++
cmake -Dtest=ON ..
Please consider running unit test before you move on
make test
The compilation process creates executable (ripe
) as well as shared libraries in build directory. You can install it in system-wide directory using:
make install
If the default path (/usr/local
) is not where you want things installed, then set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
option when running cmake. e.g,
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin
By default ripe builds as shared library, you can pass build_static_lib
option in cmake to build static library.
For example
cmake -Dbuild_static_lib=ON ..
You can do cmake -Ddll_export=ON ...
to export symbols and cmake -Ddll=ON ...
to import if needed
Make sure you have read minimum requirements. You can install required Crypto++ v5.6.5 (with Pem Pack) using following commands
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amrayn/amrayn.github.io/master/downloads/cryptocpp.tar.gz
tar xf cryptocpp.tar.gz
cd cryptopp-CRYPTOPP_5_6_5
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amrayn/amrayn.github.io/master/downloads/pem_pack.zip
unzip pem_pack.zip
cmake .
make install
and Easylogging++ using
wget -O easylogging++.zip https://github.com/amrayn/easyloggingpp/archive/master.zip
unzip easylogging++.zip
cd easyloggingpp-master/
cmake -Dtest=ON .
make install
If make install
fails because of permission try to run it as super-user sudo make install
Following command will encrypt sample.json
file to be ready to send to the server.
echo "plain text" | ripe -e --key B1C8BFB9DA2D4FB054FE73047AE700BC
You can specify binary file as destination that will save only encrypted data, e.g,
echo "plain text" | ripe -e --key B1C8BFB9DA2D4FB054FE73047AE700BC --out sample.enc
Above command will provide you with IV that you can use to decrypt
Please note: If you do not provide --out
, the output will base64 and it will have four parts. {LENGTH}:{IV}:{Client_ID}:{Base64_Encoded_Encrypted_Data}
Following command will decrypt hkz20HKQA491wZqbEctxCA==
(plain text
) that was supposedly encrypted using same key and init vector.
echo "hkz20HKQA491wZqbEctxCA==" | ripe -d --key B1C8BFB9DA2D4FB054FE73047AE700BC --iv 88505d29e8f56bbd7c9e1408f4f42240 --base64
You can also provide filename, e.g,
ripe -d --key B1C8BFB9DA2D4FB054FE73047AE700BC --in sample.enc --iv 88505d29e8f56bbd7c9e1408f4f42240
echo 88505d29e8f56bbd7c9e1408f4f42240:hkz20HKQA491wZqbEctxCA== | ripe -d --key B1C8BFB9DA2D4FB054FE73047AE700BC --base64
Following command will generate 128-bit AES key
ripe -g --aes 256
Alternatively you can do
ripe -g --aes --length 256
Valid keys sizes: 128-bit
, 192-bit
, 256-bit
Following command will produce random RSA key pair
ripe -g --rsa --out-private private.pem --out-public public.pem
Alternatively you can use
ripe -g --rsa
This will give you two base64 strings with :
as separator. First encoded text is base64 of newly generated private key and second being newly generated corresponding public key.
If you wish to generate private RSA key, you can use --secret
parameter, e.g,
ripe -g --rsa --out-private private.pem --out-public public.pem --secret ppks
You can encrypt the data using public key and decrypt with a private key
echo 'plain text' | ripe -e --rsa --in-key public.pem
You can also use --out /tmp/output.enc
to save it to /tmp/output.enc
You can also add --raw
option to output raw data instead of base64 encoded
Ripe uses PKCS #1 v1.5 padding scheme
ripe -d --rsa --in-key private.pem --in /tmp/output.enc --base64
Please note, decryption (RSA) is unstable at the moment, you may use following alternative command until it's fixed
cat /tmp/output.enc | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private.pem --base64
Ripe uses PKCS #1 v1.5 padding scheme
If you have an RSA key that is encrypted with pass phrase, let's say
openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048
extract public key: openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
You can use --secret
to decrypt it
for example
echo ff | ripe -e --rsa --in-key public.pem
Decrypt (pass phrase we chose was ppks):
ripe -d --rsa --in-key private.pem --base64 --secret ppks
Failing to provide --secret
option will give you error:
ERROR: PEM_Load: RSA private key is encrypted
echo "my signed data" | ripe -s --rsa --in-key private.pem
echo "my signed data" | ripe -v --rsa --in-key public.pem --signature SIGNATURE
You can use following commands to encode raw data to base64 encoding
echo 'plain text' | ripe -e --base64
In order to decode you may use -d
option instead
echo 'cGxhaW4gdGV4dAo=' | ripe -d --base64
You can use following to encode data to hex encoded string
echo 'plain text' | ripe -e --hex
Decoding hex can be done using -d
echo 706c61696e2074657874 | ripe -d --hex
Compression using zlib can be done using -e
echo abcd | ripe -e --zlib
You can provide --base64
to see base64 output e.g,
echo abcd | ripe -e --zlib --base64
Same with --hex
(or both --base64
and --hex
- in this case you will get base64 encoding of hex output)
Decompression using zlib can be done using -d
echo eNpLTEpOAQAD2AGL | ripe -d --zlib --base64
Copyright 2017-present Amrayn Web Services
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.