(See Syllabus)
Sl. No. | Experiment |
1 | CPU Scheduling Algorithms |
1(a) | FCFS |
1(b) | SJF |
1(c) | Priority Scheduling |
1(d) | Round Robin |
2 | Bankers Algorithm |
3 | FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm |
4 | FCFS Disk Scheduling Algorithm |
5 | Simple Decimal Arithmetic Operations using 8086 Trainer kit |
6 | BIT Manipulation Operations using 8086 Trainer kit |
7 | Code Conversion between BCD & Hexadecimal |
8 | Interfacing with Stepper motor |
9 | Interfacing with 8279 |
10 | Simple Arithmetic operations using 8051 |
11 | Sorting and Searching using MASM |
12 | Arithmetic operations using MASM |
13 | Pass one of two pass assembler |
14 | Pass two of two pass assembler |
15 | Absolute Loader |
16 | Relocating Loader |
17 | Single Pass assembler |