Graphic frontend for pandoc (Universal markup converter by John MacFarlane). This is a tiny Zenity-script, using the Golang implementation of "Zenity" scripting GUI by Nuno Cruces together with busybox-shell.
Info: Due to the very large size of "pandoc.exe" and the engines (provided here), you will not find them in this repo. Please look at the releases for a complete package with all needed files 😃 !
- Universal GUI-based document-converter based on "Pandoc".
- Basic conversion-tests were performed with testdocuments from the "German Federal Monitoring Center for Accessibility of Information Technology":
- German and English language-support.
- Simple and portable without installation.
- Works also with a regular installation under Windows by using the "Pandoc"-path under "%USERPROFILE%" as working-directory.
- Simple to migrate the scriptings to Unix/Linux because of using "busybox" and "zenity" in backend.
- Predefines CSS-Files for document-layouting.
- All errors from "Pandoc" are masked and shown to the user.
- Full "Unicode" support.
- Support for spaces in path-names and file-names.
- Supported PDF-engines: "wkhtmltopdf" and "weasyprint".
- Commandline-support for source-documents.
- Support for all documents, supported by "Pandoc".
- Unattended execution of "busybox" to hide console-output.
In order to test the conversion of some test-documents, you may use test-documents from here:
Further readings: Matterhorn Protocoll.
- Further readings: Is my PDF accessible ?
The code is based on busybox-w32 (unicode version with "noconsole"):
... with modifications to work with the tiny "Zenity GoLang" version "Zenity dialogs for Golang, Windows and macOS" from here:
The code was modified to work under the Windows (x64) version of "busybox". Especially the message-boxes by powershell/vbs-code are coded, because of missing message-box coding under Windows BEFORE ZENITY WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR EXECUTION; the Zenity-core may be simply adapted to Zenity under Unix in order to migrate this stuff to Linux, etc. This script works with "Unicode" and "spaces" in path- and file-names.
The used "pdf-backend-engine" for "Pandoc" relies on "wkhtmltopdf" because of its simplicity:
... but pay attention:
- jgm/pandoc#10142 (comment) It seems that "wkhtmltopdf" has been deprecated (the underlying engine is ancient). We should change the default --pdf-engine for HTML to "pagedjs-cli" or "weasyprint". Consensus is that "weasyprint" is lighter weight and easier to install, so it's probably a better default:
Possible drawbacks: breaking existing workflows that rely on "wkhtmltopdf".
"wkhtmltopdf" has only one executable WITHOUT lots of external dependencies. The "CSS" for its usage comes with little mods from:
- "wkhtmltopdf" is still used here, because of its performance and the ability to work with some graphics in Word-Documents. "weasyprint" is a python-program and much slower and it was impossible to get the graphics from Word-Docs into the PDFs by "weasyprint". "EMF"-images are still a problem ...
To run this stuff unattended in German language, use:
busybox.exe bash -o noiconify -o noconsole
For debugging, you may use only the script as a parameter:
busybox.exe bash
To run this stuff unattended in English language, use:
busybox.exe bash -o noiconify -o noconsole
For debugging, you may use only the script as a parameter:
busybox.exe bash