This project is based on an application for a hair salon. Containing scheduling, appointments, session and authentication.
Technologies that I used to develop this web client
- ReactJS
- TypeScript
- React Router DOM
- React Icons
- UnForm 💜
- Yup
- Styled Components
- Polished
- Axios
- Husky
- Commitlint
- Commitizen
- Eslint
- Prettier
- EditorConfig
- Have this application's API running
Clone the project and access the folder
$ git clone
Follow the steps below
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn
# Be sure the file 'src/services/api.ts' have the IP to your API
# Start the client
$ yarn start
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with 💜 by Vitor Martins during the GoStack Bootcamp 👋 See my linkedin