API endpoint | method | description | auth required | input fields |
/posts | GET | fetched all posts in the database | false | N/A |
/:username | GET | fetches the profile description of the username | false | N/A |
/:username/posts | GET | fetches all the posts by the username | false | N/A |
/:username/create | POST | creates a post | true | { title, content } |
/:username/:title | GET | fetches the post with that particular title | false | N/A |
/:username/:title/update | PUT | updates the post with the title name | true | { title, content } |
/:username/:title/delete | DELETE | deletes a post with the title name | true | N/A |
API endpoint | method | description | auth required | input fields |
/user/signup | POST | adds profile to the database | false | { firstName, lastName, username, password, email } |
/user/login | POST | logs the user in and creates the session | false | { username, password } |
/user/logout | POST | logs the user out | true | N/A |