[Usage]: run.sh
-d directory
-t "title"
-k "task description"
-s "status" (open, done, close, breakfast, lunch, dinner, pause)
[Example]: ./run.sh -d example -k "my first task" -s open
[Help]: ./run.sh -h
[Interactive mode]: ./run.sh -i (press CTRL+C to exit)
[Warning]: Important to use 'space' remember of quotes "hello world"
cd daily-blog
chmod +x run.sh
./run.sh -d example -k "my first task" -s done
Directory example_teste was created.
File example_teste/20211217.md was created.
Time-Task was added in example_teste/20211217.md
----------------- START -----------------
# Daily 17/12/2021
[🌃][01:16:44] - create folder with space [✅]<br />
----------------- END -----------------
Will be created directory and file with follow name example/{timestamp}.md
# Daily 17/12/2021
[🌃][00:41:58] - my first task [✅]<br />
Copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
- export DIR='directory'
- export DISPLAY_STYLE='table' | 'log'
- if set DIR in .env you can omit parameter -d in
./run.sh -t title -k "task"